Quite a plan!

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I come home and realize that Elijah was still not here. So I drew to print my late history paper and begin the second. It would not take me long to do that. I will slightly modify a work on the same subject that I had written when I was at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. As the light dimmed in my room, I heard a car parking ahead of me dear. I used my vampiric speed to open the door. I saw Elijah and another man I do not know get out of their respective car. The inconnus had a great resemblance with Luka and I conclude that he must be Doctor Martin.

"Aurora, meet Doctor Martin, he and his son will help us with our little problem. In addition, the doctor has a very great knowledge of witch folklore so he is able to help us locate the massacre.'' Says Elijah returning.

"Enchanted.'' I said, holding out his hand.

He tightened it slightly. At my contact I saw the surprise in his look.

"That's right then, you're an Original and a witch. It's amazing, I thought the legend was wrong." I laugh.

'' Most stories are true, you just have to know which part. Let's go to the dining room to locate our witches. ''The two men follow me inside.

'' I'll get my laptop and a map of the area. '' I say I'm going upstairs.

I returned a few minutes later with all. After almost an hour it found three probable places that we indicated on the map. The doctor left me alone with my cousin.

'Eli, I know you would want me to be the one to channel the witch's energy to slow down Klaus' transformation. However, I have reservations about whether I can do it." He gave me a strange look that asked me to think.

'' Theoretically, the idea works. It's just that I'm not very popular with witches, they see me as an abomination that should not exist, a monster that does not respect any law of nature just like Niklaus. They won't let me channel their powers, someone else will. I'm going to be able to help that person control that amount of power without perishing, that's all. I'm sorry I can't do more.'' I say I avoid his gaze.

"I never asked you to do it. I had been thinking about it. Besides, Klaus and I have been hiding something from you about the sacrifice.'' I glanced at him and he continued.

'' I will explain everything to you but you must promise me to listen until the end before doing anything. '' I acquiesced and he sat down and I did the same as I began to stress, what did he want to tell me about so important.

'' You can't be the one to stop Klaus since Ester added an element that we never mentioned in the various legends. '' He said slowly as if ganging up on time while I was getting impatient.

''Elijah, STOP touring around the pot and tell me everything NOW.'' I say I speak a little too loud because of my anger.

"Ester had canalize your powers to cast the spell and make sure that Klaus can only break the curse by having a witch who would channel your powers again." That was like a bomb. I felt betrayed, they both had a thousand years to tell me about it and they kept it secret.


I ran at vampiric speed in my room and slammed the door. I can't believe I felt guilty for many years for not being able to stop Ester that night. I had always believed that I did not remember that night because of Finn had mastered me to prevent me from intervening and the nothingness. I taught that he had broken my neck. It would be said, however, that I had fainted because Ester had used too much of my magic. I heard a knock on my door. I remained silent.

"Aurora, I'm sorry. we thought we were protecting you by keeping you in the dark. We didn't want you to feel guilty about events you wouldn't have done anything to change or stop. Ester has to be blamed for using your powers until you pass out. I'm sorry, I should have said something, I should have prevented it and protected you..."

I did not let him finish his excuse, I did not want to hear them and I shouted at him: "GO AWAY! I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" As my voice broke and I began to sob in my bed.

I heard him come out of the house. I may have been a bit strong for something so old. After all, I could not go back in time. I took out my phone and put on really loud music to clear my head. The trick was to make the music play louder than my thoughts.

(POV omniscient)

When Elijah returned home a few hours before dawn, he knocked twice at the door of his cousin. He heard the music, but slowly opened the door to see if Aurora was awake. He found her lying on her bed, asleep with the music still playing. He turned off the device and put it on the load, then he took the blanket that was on the office chair and put it on his youngest. That night the young original dreamed of the night when the curse had been placed on Klaus, for the first time events appeared to her from a different angle.

 That night the young original dreamed of the night when the curse had been placed on Klaus, for the first time events appeared to her from a different angle

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