Kitana x Reader x Mileena

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Once upon a time in the kingdom of Edenia, two sisters, Kitana and Mileena, found themselves caught up in a whirlwind of emotions. They both developed deep feelings for a girl named (Y/N), a kind-hearted and enchanting lady who had captured their hearts.

Kitana, the younger of the sisters, possessed grace, elegance, and a gentle spirit. She was known throughout the kingdom for her beauty and benevolence. Mileena, the older sister, was fierce, cunning, and had a mysterious allure that often left others captivated by her presence.

As (Y/N) spent time with both sisters, the competition for her affection became more intense. They would constantly vie for her attention, trying to outdo each other with grand gestures and heartfelt compliments. It seemed as though the sisters were locked in an eternal battle for (Y/N)'s heart.

However, (Y/N) soon found herself confronted by a difficult decision. Both sisters had become an integral part of her life, and she couldn't bear to choose between them. With a heavy heart, (Y/N) decided to confront Kitana and Mileena, revealing her dilemma and proposing a solution.

Gathering the sisters by a picturesque garden, (Y/N) gently confessed her feelings and their shared dilemma. She expressed her desire to be with both of them, to create a polyamorous relationship that allowed all three of them to explore their love together.

At first, Kitana and Mileena were taken aback by (Y/N)'s proposition. They had expected a choice to be made, with one sister winning the heart of (Y/N). However, as they listened to (Y/N)'s reasoning and witnessed the sincerity in her eyes, they realized that this could be the answer they were unknowingly searching for.

After much deliberation, the sisters accepted (Y/N)'s proposal, embracing the unorthodox nature of their newfound relationship. They dedicated themselves to cultivating a bond built on trust, respect, and understanding. Together, they navigated the challenges that arose, striving to create a harmonious polyamorous relationship.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and their love grew stronger and deeper. They found solace and comfort in each other's arms, building a haven where jealousy and resentment had no place.

The kingdom of Edenia watched in awe as Kitana, Mileena, and (Y/N) displayed an unprecedented love, defying conventions and breaking barriers. Gradually, the people began to accept and admire their relationship, recognizing the authenticity and purity of their connection.

Over time, the siblings' rivalry transformed into care and compassion for one another. Kitana and Mileena realized that, above all, their bond as sisters was unbreakable. They let go of their competitive nature and embraced the love they shared with (Y/N) and each other.

Together, they became a beacon of love, not only for their kingdom but for others who also discovered the beauty of unconventional relationships. And so, Kitana, Mileena, and (Y/N) embarked on a lifelong journey, united by an extraordinary love that defied all expectations and offered a timeless example of what true love could be.

WORDS: 511

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