"I see you all have a history with Henry," Jade said, sighing, "What else has he done?"

“He upgraded turbo engine,” Everett began counting with his fingers, “Installed high-tensile strength cable to tour bus, like Evie’s grapple gun.” He continued counting with his fingers, “He added flamethrowers to exhaust pipes. Reconfigured panelling and windows to be bulletproof, installed rocket launcher in compartment on top of bus, installed laser turrets. Oh! And small spiked balls can be deployed to pop pursuers tires.” He then hit the wall next to his bunk, startling Jade. A hidden gun compartment opened up. There was a machine pistol inside, “Bus has many of these too.”

“Oh! That’s a...”

“Škorpion vz. 61, developed in 1959 by Miroslav Rybář,” said Everett, “Cup holder between driver and passenger seats is hidden compartment too. It holds FN Five-seven semi-automatic pistol.”

“You know about guns, huh?” Jade asked as Everett closed the compartment. "I don't know if you scare me or if that's sexy," she laughed and Everett smiled slightly, rising from the bed with a grunt to sit next to her, although he had to slouch a little. "Thank you for telling me that the tour bus is a mobile weapon, but I meant... Do you know what else my stepfather has done? Regarding monsters?"

"Oh! Don't you know Henry was Hunter?" Everett raised an eyebrow and her eyes widened. She covered her mouth, shaking her head, "Oh... I think I screwed up."

"Everett, you are a knowing Yeti," Jade said and he nodded, "Do you know who Leonidas Guarr was?"

"Are you talking about Cat King who used to rule Lyonfort and became ally of Zeth? Or your father?" He asked and Jade grimaced, "Your father. Sure."

"Do you know anything about Leonidas?" Jade insisted.

"Don't tell Zeth I told you," Everett looked down, “He was descendant of Guarrs of Lyonfort, systems engineer, nothing spectacular.”

"And how do you know that? Is it a part of Evalon's history?" Jade asked but Everett shook his head.

"Your stepfather and I became friends at his gym," Everett said with a slight smile, "In fact, I won bodybuilding trophy and he was my manager. Didn't you see photo in his office?"

"He never lets me into his office," Jade looked around, "I guess it has something to do with it being as weaponized as this bus."

"I don't think you're pureblood Guarr. You are very beautiful for feline," Everett said, without a filter.

“Thanks but... What am I then?” She sighed and covered her face with both hands. Everett hesitated for a moment, but then began to rub her back as if to calm her down.

"Hasn't Evie told you about Oblivio?"

“Nope. Well yes, but she didn’t say much,” Jade looked up at him with a frown, "She has hidden many things from me. Bestie of the year, huh?"

“I want to be Bestie of the Year, so I will tell you,” Everett nodded, "Oblivio was cosmic being, like Stephen King's Pennywise. Oblivio controlled all of Bakerwood and fed on lust and blood," Everett said, brushing a strand of hair from Jade's face, "Jade, I want to show you something," Everett lifted a pillow, pulling out an old notebook, opening it on some pages where he had left coloured markers, "People think I'm stupid or that I don't pay attention, but in reality, everything gets recorded in my Yeti Brain by accident."

“What is this?”

"Things I've written when Yeti Brain repeats other people's conversations," Everett was flipping through his notebook too quickly, "After talking to you last night, I did some math and realised I have answer you're looking for."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now