Zeth led her through a door in the back of the Ball Room into what everyone called 'The Heart of Lyonfort' which was a bunch of stone stairs that seemed endless and at each landing there were balconies that formed a square around it, and many doors as well.

Upon reaching the fourth floor, a tired and out of breath Evie finally entered the Solar.

She was nervous, because behind that door was Frank. Luckily, that night he asked her to go to a private place with him even when Zeth refused to leave her alone with him. They made it to the Broken Tower, where he forgave her for her biggest sin, and gave her a chance to redeem herself. The night of October 30, 2019 became the anniversary of Hunter Evie's death, and the dawn of Bodyguard Evie.

"So, you brought me here to not say a word?" Frank asked while lighting his second cigarette, and Evie shook her head.

"Not quite." Evie's face turned pink. "I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want you to know."

"Tell me once and for all why I was your Trojan horse, Evie! Who was your target? Because I doubt that the best Huntress of them all would be so stupid as to want to want to take down a vampire and a Golden Heart with a bomb," Frank paced around and around, with a hand shoved into his pocket and the metal hand bringing the cigarette to his lips. The lips that Evie kissed once and never forgot.

"No, they weren't my target," Evie backed away from him, placing a hand on a merlon and another on a crenet, facing south. She looked down at the rose garden eight floors below counting the roof she was standing on, and then she looked up to see the Donjon, her eyes locked on the windows of Frank, Draco, Alex and Finn's rooms. The Donjon was quite very tall, it was several floors higher than where she already was, and sometimes she was curious to explore the battlements on top of it, but she never dared to do so. It would be like being on top of a skyscraper, even more so because this castle was on a steep cliff.

Maybe she wasn't as fearless as she thought.

Her phone buzzed and she checked it quickly.

"Kimberly's locked up and asleep, tranquilizer dart," Evie told Frank, eager to evade her confession.

"The blonde is with the dancer, right?" Frank complained as he took another drag on his cigarette and exhaled heavily. "The one who isn't a dancer, another damn secret of yours."

"If there's anyone as good as her and me, it's Blackfox. He'll keep an eye on her."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the 'angry blonde' kick your butts?" Frank narrowed his eyes at her and walked a few steps away, "You're playing dumb. Just tell me... Why me? Why did you use me?"

"There are some things in the world better off not knowing. This is one of them," Evangeline grunted, approaching Frank, who was already leaning on the edge of this tower, staring at the moon. The sound of her heels was already a part of her personality, but Frank didn't want to hear it tonight, "And you're still here, which means you must have more questions."

"Oh yeah," Frank groaned and looked at her in the eye, "Lots."

"You're mad at me, I understand." Evie avoided his gaze and turned her head towards the west, her eyes fixed on the white flag of the Frozen Tower where she lived. Obviously, because someone as cold and cruel as her could only live with the Yeti.

"You've hurt me more than once in more ways than one, and yet, I still..." but then his eyes widened, and he fell silent.

"You still what?" She was standing there, right next to him, looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something else.

She wasn't entirely sure she wanted an answer, though.

And he wasn't sure if he should give her one.

He remembered how he felt when they met. She was so fierce, so determined, and she was beautiful beyond belief, with her black hair and sly lips and those dark, deep brown eyes.

Oh! And she was particularly tall, especially in her characteristic high-heeled boots, so she never went unnoticed.

Back then, he just wanted to kiss her so bad, but... Then he learned that she was a Huntress the bad way.

That she killed vampires and monsters that no other human being could.

That was long after he had learned about dragons, wars, and witches. Frank had heard stories about Evalon many times. Draco and Zeth had told him about the wars and the world that existed before humanity prospered. Thanks to them, Frank understood that his ancestry came from the cruel world Draco and Zeth escaped from years ago, with too many monsters following them.

That was a grave mistake.

All those monsters were hunted. Many were killed. Entire families were murdered by the likes of Evangeline.

Before coming to the human lands, those monsters were stuck in the middle of war, famine, and violence. Upon exploring new and supposedly safe lands, many became orphans, alone and scared because of the Hunters.

There was nowhere they belonged.

And now Frank was wondering if he had a place in this world.

"Do you remember the first time we came here, just you and me?" Evie asked, and Frank nodded without turning to look at her, lighting his third cigarette. "It was a cold night, and you granted me forgiveness."

Frank frowned, remembering how cold that night was. Evie shivered and hugged herself against the cold while he took off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders.

Frank could remember the moment vividly.

And he hated it.

"I wrote my part of the song 'No More Love, Enough' with you in mind," Frank whispered and turned to the right, lost in the dancing of the red flag that crowned the Vampire Tower. A little further east, he could see the turquoise blue flag of the Watermen Tower. "I forgave you, but I'm not sure I can forget..."

"Forget that I cost you too many body parts?" Evangeline asked, and she looked so beautiful with the wind blowing her black hair, caressing her fine features.

Frank hated himself for seeing her like that again.

"I can't forget that you took my heart and stepped on it with your high-heeled boots," Frank replied. She turned, almost scared and blushing, to look him straight in the eyes. "The betrayal, the pain of knowing that the one you love was only interested in ending your life... That's what I can't forget."

"I know that now." She looked up at him. "Frank, I never meant to hurt you..."

"Then why?" he snapped, and suddenly she looked very young, like the little girl she was never allowed to be. "Why did you kiss me hours before you blew me up?"

"I don't know anymore. I told myself that it was to put the bomb in your backpack, but I always knew that, in reality, it was because I fell in love with you," Evie shook her head. "But you deserve to know this... I always told you that you weren't my target, but I never told you who really was."

"And will you now?" He asked, exhaling tobacco smoke slowly.

"Yes, I will."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now