My Sister's Problem

Start from the beginning

Aurora jerked her head away and hissed in pain as her skull connected with the stone behind her. Snape chuckled and pushed her further against the wall. Shifting slightly, he pushed his hips against hers so she could feel his growing erection. 

Aurora tilted her head away as she felt a single tear slide down her face, "Snape, please." She whispered.

Snape groaned loudly at her words and brought one hand to her hip while the other tangled in her hair. Tugging roughly he pulled her face towards his and smashed his lips against hers. She felt his teeth clash with hers from the force of his kiss. He moved against her, smooshing her between himself and the wall. 

He was everywhere, and she couldn't think straight. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut and she stood completely still. Snape didn't seem to care that she wasn't as engaged as he was. He growled loudly and released her lips to trail his down her throat. He bit the base of it aggressively. 

Aurora whimpered. He wasn't seriously going to take her against the castle wall in the middle of a corridor was he?  She wanted to disappear, sink into the stone and stay hidden there forever. He had said that as long as she behaved he wouldn't punish her, and yet she had provoked him. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut? 

Snape suddenly released her and stepped back, she sagged against the wall in defeat. He sniggered at her, before glancing around them to make sure that they were still alone. "You taste better than I ever would have thought. I wonder how delicious your other lips are."  He said lewdly. 

Aurora's mouth opened in horror, "You- you can't." She stuttered. She had heard of such acts before, but it seemed so unseemly, definitely not something a lady would ever participate in. 

His lips curved wolfishly, "I assure you I can." He rumbled in a low voice.

Snape chuckled at the look on her face before grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him again. He frowned at her regretfully, "unfortunately it will have to wait. I have important matters to attend to. I'll be away for most of the day." 

Aurora felt relief fill her bones. She would have an entire day free of him and his constant man handling. She thought wistfully of the library and the hidden corner she liked to frequent. Aurora struggled to fight the smile that threatened to spread across her face as she nodded.

"Don't look so smug. I'll return this evening for your punishment. I can't let your little display from earlier go without reparation." He told her evenly.

And just like that all the excitement from his previous words floated away. He would be touching her again tonight. She shivered in repulsion at the thought.

Snape's eyes darkened at her and he stepped forward, "You will behave in my absence won't you?" He demanded.

Aurora glared at him unhappily. She knew he was asking if she was going to freak out again and tell Dumbledore what she had witnessed. She knew she probably should. Then Snape would be expelled and out of her life. However, she worried that Dumbledore would expel her too for not doing anything to stop him. Not to mention what the dark lord may do to her for ousting one of his more promising recruits. So, she nodded at him reluctantly. 

He smiled. His crooked teeth flashed at her menacingly as he said, "good." 

Snape turned on his heel and stalked away without giving her another glance. Aurora sank against the wall and slid down until her bottom hit the ground. She leaned her head back against the rough wall and closed her eyes. She couldn't wait until the school year was over. She could smell the air of the garden outside their home already. Feel the comfort of the wind as it lifted her hair up and promised her freedom. At her house, she had always been overlooked since she was the only female. Her mother and father still expected the best of her but for the most part she was unseen. She preferred it that way, it allowed her to get away with things easier than Sirius or Regulus. 

She craved the freedom of invisibility. Aurora had even been nearly invisible at Hogwarts as well, up until Snape had taken an interest in her. She sighed loudly and couldn't stop the tears that started to prick at her eyes yet again. Anger rose up within her at her patheticness, the past few days she had done nothing but cry. 

The words of her father entered her mind unbidden, "a pathetic sniveling girl. That's all you are Aurora, all you'll ever be. Women are too emotional to be rational, that's why they belong away from the hard decisions. Remember that girl! Your husband is the only one who should be allowed the final say. This advice will serve you well, so I expect you to retain it." He had told her gruffly. Her father was full of sexist wisdom, something her mother seemed to not mind. 

Aurora swiped the tears away from her face bitterly, and pressed her palms flat on the ground. She pushed away from the floor and lifted herself up to a standing position. She could hear laughter filling the hall and knew that a crowd was leaving the great hall. They were probably intending to go on the grounds to enjoy the weekend air. 

Aurora watched the smiling girls and boys wistfully as they talked amongst each other happily and practically skipped out the front doors. How she yearned to go back to the days when she had been blissfully ignorant of the deviousness of her fellow students. Before they had attacked her, she never would have thought Snape or Knott were capable of such malice. 

She walked behind them for several moments before veering off to the right, opting for the hallway instead of the doors leading to the grounds. Aurora walked down the winding corridor until she stood in front of the library doors. She wasn't the only student there, but the number was small. Not many people wanted to get a head start on their homework, when they could play outside with their friends instead.

Aurora walked past several bookcases until she reached the small nook that contained nothing but a window seat overlooking the grounds. Aurora sighed thankfully that the area was deserted and sank down into the cushioned seat. She tucked her legs beneath her and reached into her bag, pulling out the book she had checked out yesterday. 'Out Dueling the Unbeatable' was written across the cover in gold lettering. 

So far it appeared to be focusing mainly on the dueling form and how to use your body to help your chances of winning by evasion. It was hard for her to take anything the book told her to do seriously. She had seen Snape fire off spells quickly and effectively without even breaking a sweat. 

Aurora forced herself to keep reading though, it couldn't hurt to know. She never wanted to be put at a disadvantage again if she could help it. She just hoped that Snape wouldn't find out about her trying to improve her dueling. She shuddered at the thought of what her punishment would consist of if he knew that she was working on learning ways to defeat him. 

Aurora sighed softly and opened the book to begin reading where she had left off. As she engrossed herself in her reading, she felt the tension leave her shoulders. Her attention was completely focused on the words on the page and the outside world melted away. For the first time in days she was utterly at ease.

A/N: Thoughts?

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