Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo

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Willingly taking the bait, Bakugo rushed toward his green-haired friend, swinging his blade many times, forcing Midoriya to dodge his attacks and counter with a powerful right hand that connected to the boy's chin.

"You took the bait," Bakugo smirked before yelling. "BIRD DANCE!" The boy screeched, using his explosions to spin sideways and let off a devastating attack, which knocked Midoriya back.

"If I didn't use my haki in time, I would've gotten seriously hurt. Nice move." Midoriya laughed as he swiped away the smoke to reveal his uninjured body.

"I thought we weren't gonna use haki, but since you're using it I might as well join in," Bakugo commented, putting away his third sword to switch back to his Nitōryū style.

Realising that his friend was ready to go out on his shield, Izuku entered his second gear, staring down his friend before rushing toward him, landing a 'Jet Pistol' on his abdomen.

Sliding back, Bakugo used all the strength in his body to stop himself, dashing at Midoriya once his balance was back. "Nigiri: Toro Samon!" The blonde called out, slashing at his friend only for him to appear on top of him and punch him into the ground.

"HAWK RIFLE!" Izuku yelled, landing next to Katsuki once he was done with his attack.

"Ouch..." Bakugo groaned, worrying his friend.

"Kacchan are you ok-"

"Shishi Sonson!" The blonde interrupted, catching Izuku off guard.

Dragging his finger along his cut, Izuku smiled and turned around. His friend seemed to be enjoying this fight just as much as he was. "Nice, I felt that one." Midoriya chuckled before entering his second gear again. "Alright let's take it up a notch."

"Come on your damn nerd!" Katsuki smirked, unsheathing again Kachibara to be his second blade.

Without wasting another moment, Izuku rushed at his blonde friend, throwing many punches while parrying and blocking all of his sword strikes. "There." The boy noted, shifting all of his weight onto his back leg to land a devastating body shot. "There again." He continued, pulling his hand backwards only to smash it against his friend's face, pushing his friend back. "And now, Gumo Gumo No: Red Haw-"

"YAKKODORI!" Bakugo yelled, clenching both of his swords tightly to send a crescent moon-like explosion toward Midoriya. "NITORYU: SAI KURU!" Katsuki followed up, knocking Izuku down. "And don't get back up." He huffed, pointing his sword at Izuku only for the boy to suddenly disappear and reappear behind him.

"RED HAWK!" Izuku yelled once again, landing the hit successfully on his friend. "You let your guard down for a split second, it allowed me to attack you," Izuku explained, annoying the boy even further.

"Don't lecture me at a time like this, just shut up and fight!" The sword user demanded, trying to strike his friend only to miss. "Damn it, why can't I hit you?!" Katsuki shouted in frustration, jumping in the air to meet the airborne Midoriya, who grabbed both of his arms and head-butted him, sending him crashing down into the ground.

"Your movements..." Izuku pointed out, noticing a sudden decline in his friend's sharpness. "You're fighting on pure emotion what's wrong?" The greenette asked, trying to help his friend.

Taking his kindness as an insult, Bakugo looked up at the teen and growled. "Nothing's wrong, I'm perfectly fine, just shut up and fight Goddamn it!" The boy protested, leaping toward his stationary friend only for him to be punched square in the face, sending him tumbling backwards.

"There's definitely something wrong, what's up?" Midoriya asked again, running up to his friend to try and help him.

"Don't do that, BACK OFF!" Bakugo screeched, tightly clenching Danketsu to calm the enraged blade down.

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