Worth Fighting For

Start from the beginning

"Ma'am, we've got this covered," an officer said as he stepped up next to Kat to get her to put the weapon down

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"Ma'am, we've got this covered," an officer said as he stepped up next to Kat to get her to put the weapon down.

"Sir, this man has a history of escaping. He has caused me, my family, and my fiancé a lot of trouble." Kat replied, not taking her eyes off of Dominic, "I'm pretty sure I'm trained better than you since I am a Marine."

"Babe, let them do their job," JJ soothed, placing his hand on the gun Kat was holding, knowing he was the only one that could get her to stand down.

She nodded her head and handed the gun to one of the officers. The weapon would be traced back to her when they ran it, so she knew she needed to let them know it was hers ahead of time.

"That was the gun he was using, by the way, but it is registered in my name," she stated as he looked at her curiously, "It was hidden back there

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"That was the gun he was using, by the way, but it is registered in my name," she stated as he looked at her curiously, "It was hidden back there."

"I see that you have security cameras. Do you mind if the detectives take a copy of the footage to be used in your case? We'll also have to take the gun into evidence. After the court case, you should be able to get it back," the officer spoke in a calm voice seeing that Kat was on edge, not moving any closer to her.

"Yeah, that's fine," JJ spoke for her, seeing that she needed to get out of their new home.

As the cops began to escort Dominic out of the house, Kat began to feel like everything was closing in on her. She looked at JJ, and he knew what she was silently asking. He picked her up and walked out towards the truck after Kat had wrapped around his body. JJ prayed that the trauma she had gone through wouldn't derail her military career because she was excited to become a Marine.

 JJ prayed that the trauma she had gone through wouldn't derail her military career because she was excited to become a Marine

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Texas and Wisconsin  (A JJ Watt Fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now