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Final chap is the one before!! Read that first and then come here!

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This feels so weird lmao I don't know how I'm gonna live without the thought of having to update being in the back of my head all the time ksjsjjdjd. Or without all the scenarios of the events that were yet to come and how you guys would react when I actually publish them, or how much fun I'd have when I see you guys getting angry at a cliffhanger (which I am also not sorry for adding on the final chapter hehehe. atp cliffhanger is my middle name 💀)

This book was one hell of a journey. Through the one year and a half of working on this, my writing has changed so much, the fricking plot itself changed like five times (hence the plot holes you guys may find although I really tried not to leave any sjsjjs), and overall it's just been a rollercoaster. But this sweet little rollercoaster wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for all of you, would it?

I'm being serious. Without the support and motivation you guys gave I probably would have stopped updating on here and continued on ao3 only since that was where I was getting the most reads, but I'm glad I continued on here. The trailer blowing up a few months ago and bringing in so many new readers- that was crazy. I still remember deciding to go on YouTube to rewatch the main trailer and being so shocked and in disbelief to see just how many views and comments there were. I was legit not understanding why the hell it was blowing up.

The extended trailer will be two years old by next month and that's just crazy to me. It's crazy to think I've had this entire plot and story for two years and only now is it ending. It's also funny to me how I lowkey didn't want to write a book for the AU trailer and just leave it as that, but- here we are now :D

First of all, I wanna thank prxcrastinatxrr who has been here since the very beginning-  since even before that. Thank you sososo much chew chew >:[  thank you for supporting me with everything I do and helping me figure stuff out when I was stuck I literally love you sm!! Also, minchan would have been legit enemies if it wasn't for that one comment you left on chapter one so like THANK YOU.

And for my bestie L1NOSCATS you were the very first reader I got on here. Without you, I was really losing hope in Wattpad and up until you found this book I literally was thinking wattpad hated me so much coz all my books had like 50-60 smth reads at most and those were usually me rereading or smth 😭😭thank you so much for leaving all those comments there for me on the day you began reading and for messaging me later I'm so glad I met you coz if I hadn't then we wouldn't have our idiots to think about 24/7 jehehehen

Thank you to Sundaysandrain, NourIsSayingNaurrrrabielringJEONGSUNGGG143LK_flaqsome, happybloodday5, and many more (but I cannot name everyone and my wp is glitching like hell rn) for all the amazing comments you all leave, I love going back to reread them. And livingachaoticlife, I loved getting notifs from you voting for chaps when we were still at the beginning, they were really motivating!!

Thank you to mistopher and bleggs even tho you two weren't readers you both helped so much and I can't thank you both enough for that! I wouldn't have finished the final chapter without your help bleggs fr so tytytyyyyy

Thank you to my beta reader and editor, Ellie, who helped make this book the best version of itself, pointing out all the things that needed to be changed or fixed. Thank you for making the time for this book even though you are very busy.

Thank you to the loml chaery for keeping up with all my shit throughout the entire two years, for listening to my endless rants about this story, for reading some of it even when you don't even read fanfiction. Thank you for always believing in me and being a huge suppor I love you sm :>

And finally, a BIGGGG thank you to leovanterwinds for the comment (and dm) spams you gave with every chapter. My devices suffered severely 😔😔 You were also the only person to get so close to figuring everything out like that groove back theory was SOOOO close you only forgot to add one small detail AND IT IS THAT I AM JYPPP!!! Lmao, no but for real your theories were always so freaking genius and the fact you actually figured it out a chapter or two ago— you had me panicking so bad jsjsjjss

Thank you to everyone who decided to read this book, thank you for being patient with my very messy update schedule, thank you for taking time out of your days to read, to leave comments or send me messages telling me how much you love the story, I really appreciate every single one of you. Thank you so so much.

This has been Twisted Ways, I now announce the case closed.

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The End

Twisted Ways [Stray Kids Murder Mystery, AU!]Where stories live. Discover now