Chapter Four: Kimbap Rolls

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Warning: Chapter contains uncensored talks/descriptions of self-harm

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Warning: Chapter contains uncensored talks/descriptions of self-harm. If you are uncomfortable with that, please skip the chapter (I'll have a short summary in the author's note in the end).


It was around one in the afternoon when Hyunjin was finally able to head home from art school. He usually loved his classes and would even stay overtime, but he was tired from the previous night, and staying there to work on a painting wasn't exactly what he wanted.

His teacher had left early too, so it wasn't a problem if he wanted to leave before three o'clock.

"So! How's everything going?"

Hyunjin turned around when he heard the deep voice of his friend.

"Things are alright," he answered simply. The freckled boy before him smiled.

"Is Chan doing alright with the case? I heard it might reach a dead end again."

Hyunjin sighed as he and his friend began walking out of the school, making their way through the streets.

"I don't know, Lix. He says he's alright, but he doesn't seem to be. He never talks about himself anyways. It does concern me, but he always says not to worry."

Felix sighed before he was cut off by a ringtone. Hyunjin reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and then picked up the call.

Felix listened to his friend talk with whoever he was talking with on the phone before he finally put the phone back into his pocket.

"Do you wanna go to my mother's place with me? She's made Kimbap rolls and wants me to deliver some to Chan," Hyunjin asked the younger, whose eyes brightened as he smiled and nodded.

"Your mother's sweet," Felix said, making Hyunjin chuckle. "Her food is always the best too! Like- can I have some Kimbap too?"

Hyunjin eyed the other. "You really think we're gonna go there and get some Kimbap rolls without her giving you, like, ten just for you? Please, if I had brought Jeongin with me too, there wouldn't have been any left for poor Chan as she will give most of them to you two." He laughed, and then the two continued to tread towards his mother's house, enjoying their time together, talking about the most random things.

The house wasn't that far from their art school, so the walk didn't take long. When they had finally reached the place, the both of them stood outside, ringing the most likely broken doorbell, waiting for Hyunjin's mother to open the door.

When she did, she greeted both of them with a warm smile and a tight hug.

"I would love to have you come in, dear, but you're father, he-" she paused, letting out a slight sigh. "The place is currently a mess, and your father is home. I'm sorry I can't have you come inside, darling," she apologized.

Twisted Ways [Stray Kids Murder Mystery, AU!]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin