Chapter Three: The Little Witness

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        By the time Chan was at the police department, he was— disappointed, to say the least

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By the time Chan was at the police department, he was— disappointed, to say the least.

"A seven-year-old? You're joking, aren't you?" Chan questioned in disbelief.

"He's probably the last person who saw Hileun alive," Minho noted, trying to convince Chan to give him a chance.

"And you do realize he's in elementary school and that he could be making everything up, don't you?"

Minho didn't know how to respond to that. He stood there, his eyes on his colleague.

Chan let out a frustrated sigh. "Let's ask him what he saw. I don't think he's gonna be much help, though." Minho's eyes widened at Chan's reply.

"So you're not mad?"

Chan eyed him as he scoffed. "Mad? I'm not mad. The situation just seems absurd, that's what it is. You call me at six in the morning, telling me we finally have a witness, and I get here only to see that our witness is a damn elementary school student! Does it not sound pretty ridiculous to you?"

Minho sighed. "I know it does. Come one, we're wasting time. Let's go talk to that kid." He stood up and Chan nodded before doing the same. The two then walked out of their office and towards the waiting room, where a middle-aged woman was sitting down with her son.

"Detectives!" The woman called out, jumping out of her seat as she saw the two. "I'm Mrs Kang. I'm really sorry for bothering you this early, but I have a flight in a few hours and I wouldn't have been able to bring Jaehyunnie later," she explained.

"Flight?" Minho questioned, looking at the dark brown eyes of the woman before him. She nodded.

"It's for work. Jaehyun's dad isn't really part of our life, so he wouldn't have been able to come as well. He's going to be staying with his grandma- who I doubt would even think of coming here," she answered.

Chan kneeled down to be on the same level as the kid.

"So you're Jaehyun, right?" He asked, his voice playful and sweet. He didn't want to intimidate the small child- not when they had an investigation with him. Scaring the kid wouldn't be any good.

The little boy nodded. He looked up at his mother and then back at Chan. "What's your name, mister?"

Chan couldn't help but crack a smile when the child spoke. He loved kids.

"I'm mister Bang Chan! And that is mister Lee Minho. We're going to be asking you some questions today, is that okay?"

The kid looked down, fiddling with the bottom of his mother's black coat.

"Hey, hey~ you don't have to be scared. We won't hurt you." He smiled as he placed his hand on the shoulder of the boy. "We'll just ask you a few questions and you'll be able to go! Mummy can stay with you while we're doing that. Hm? What do you say?"

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