Chapter Six: The New Year's Eve Party

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        Music, dancing, and people

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        Music, dancing, and people. The giant hall was filled, every inch of it was crowded. 

        "I hate big parties," Chan muttered, making Hyunjin and Jeongin turn to him. 

        "Come on, have fun in your life for once, please, Chris," Hyunjin said, slightly nudging the other's arm. 

       Chan sighed, shaking his head before the three of them walked into the building. The moment they set foot into the place, a huge wave of noise filled their ears. Chatter, loud party music, and some yelling and laughter from different spots around the place. 

        Jeongin was greeting people as they walked around, trying to find an empty table to sit at. Once they found one, they took their seats. Jeongin sat beside Hyunjin on one side of the table and Chan was in front of them on the other side.

        "Since when were you so popular?" Chan asked Jeongin, a slight smirk on his lips. Jeongin shrugged, laughing. 

        "You look good," Hyunjin complimented, his eyes on Chan. The latter had his dirty blonde hair brushed back, red strands visible between the blonde ones, hair extensions probably. If you were to pay attention, you would notice that his outfit held nothing extra special, just a white cartoon t-shirt worn under a red leather jacket, which was matched with red leather pants. What made his outfit look so good on him, though, were the accessories he had matched with everything. The chains, the black choker around his neck, the silver ring on his ring finger, and the other ring on his index finger. He was wearing a few thin silver bracelets on his wrists as well. 

        "Yang Jeongin, you came!" 

        The three's heads turned to where the sudden voice came from, seeing a quite tall female treading towards their table. Choi Sanra, Chan thought, recognizing the girl. 

        "You've brought friends," she said, eyeing both Chan and Hyunjin, a smile plastered onto her lips. "Long time no see, Chan." She extended her arm out for a handshake and Chan shook her hand, smiling.

        "Mind if I sit with you while I wait for my gang?" She asked, sitting down before anyone could even answer. 

        "No, no, it's alright," Jeongin answered her, even though she had already helped herself. He turned to Hyunjin as Sanra began talking with Chan. "Is everything alright?" He asked the black-haired. 

        "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, smiling quite uncomfortably. He stood up, looking at the three with him. "I'm going to get drinks."

        Sanra watched as Hyunjin walked away. "Is he alright? Is it because of me? Oh, I thought he had already gotten over me, I guess not!" She exclaimed, looking at the two as she chuckled. 

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