"No? If you're not a girl, then what are you?"

"A bounty hunter."

"Right..." Hunter said, Aurora went to walk past him but he grabbed her arm. "You know we never talked about what happened with the Twi-lek."

Aurora shrugged his hand off her arm. "We don't need to."

"I think we do. Aurora, that was the angriest I've probably seen you in a long time."

"I'm fine." She waved a dismissive hand.

"Are you?"

"Yes, you are being overdramatic."

"She's a bounty hunter."

"So? She's nobody."

"Aurora what if people come looking for her."

"They won't."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because nobody goes looking for dead girls." She jabbed and walked away from him.

"That's not what I meant." He called but Aurora ignored him and walked to the bridge and sat behind Akattaa. Hunter rubbed his face in defeat. "Why are you so difficult?" He mumbled.


"We've entered the Shili System." Tech said, pulling Aurora out of sleep. "Where are we going?"

"To a small village." Akattaa said. Aurora sat up. She had draped Hunter's sweatshirt over her, which fell to the ground. She noticed that Akattaa seemed more relaxed.

"We will be arriving shortly." Tech said and worked on getting the Marauder landed.

"I'll go wake the others." Aurora said, standing up. Echo, Wrecker, and Omega were all sleeping on the cots in the middle of the ship. She stomped her foot on the ground and they started to stir. "Time to get up, we landed."

"Five more minutes." Wrecker groaned.

Aurora chuckled and patted his leg as she walked by. She stood outside the curtain. "Hunter, we landed."

"Copy." Hunter called out, he sounded like he had just woken up.

Aurora walked back to Tech and Akattaa, they were standing in the bridge. "Ready to go home?" She asked.

"More nervous actually." Akattaa said.

"Everything will be fine." Aurora reassured and they walked towards the door. Tech opened it and the three of them stepped out. Aurora and Tech watched as Akattaa took in her surroundings, tears formed in her eyes.

"Is she getting teary eyes?" Tech leaned in and asked Aurora.

"She's happy she's finally home." Aurora informed him.

"Wouldn't everyone be happy to go home?"

"Not everyone."

"Where are we going?" Hunter asked Tech and the rest of the group following Hunter.

"To a village, about 4 clicks away." Tech said as he typed on his data pad.

"We should get going." Aurora said.

"Yes, please." Akattaa added.


The group walked into a Togruta village and all the villagers turned their attention to the strangers walking into their village. Akattaa scanned the villagers, like she was looking for someone.

"Akattaa?" Someone called out and everyone turned. They saw a female Togruta walking towards them, she had similar markings to Akattaa.

"Mama!" Akattaa pleaded and ran towards the Togruta.

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Where stories live. Discover now