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Caved in

⚠️{Short chapter!}⚠️

Kana hated herself as she craved into Rynug's harassment, as she couldn't take the feeling of being on eggshells everywhere she went including her home, she was so stressed out that she fainted at work, currently she was talking with Nahida about how she'd feel about meeting with her biological fatherer as she wouldn't do it if Nahida wasn't comfortable with it.

"Nahida sweetie I have to ask you a very important question and I need you to be very honest with me okay," She said while having her hand in her own as they sat on the bed,
Nahida nodded with a smile as Kana took a deep breath in, before letting it out.

"Have you ever wanted to meet your daddy sweetheart?" Kana asked as she watched Nahida's eyes widen a bit as she was taken aback by her mother's question, but nodded slowly.

"Yeah, cause everyone else in school has their Daddy and I want to meet mine..." This made Kana's heart break a bit as she should have been more aware of it. 'Ugh! This would be all my fault if I hadn't been so focused on work and my love life I would have noticed that!' Kana thought to herself while looking at her daughter,

"Oh, sweetie why didn't you tell me, anything?" She asked,

"Because you always look sad and angry when people talk about him, so I didn't want to make you sad or angry..." Kana pulled Nahida into a hug. Then pulled her away and gulped when saying these next words.

"Okay...so how about if you got to meet him tomorrow?" Nahida's face lit up a bit, as she looked at Kana.

"Really?! Mama?!"

"Yeah, he's in town..." Kana says still not fully trusting Ryung's motivations

"Thank you, mama!" Nahida said while hugging Kana, as Kana hugged her back tightly.


It was the next day and Kana was with Nahida at the park with Ryung, Nahida bonded way too quickly with him, making Kana a bit uncomfortable as she could see in Ryung's eyes his bond wasn't that strong yet almost as if he was forced to come here, but Nahida laughs and smiles made her heart warm,

'Ryung I hope you don't have any other intentions, with her as her heart is too pure to handle your cruelty,' Kana thought as she watched Nahida show her father her tricks on the monkey bars, as Ryung acted as he was shocked by the tricks he used to do when he was her age.

Ryung on the other hand, was enjoying his time with Nahida way more than he expected he would as she was the perfect mixture of him and Kana, she was beautiful and smart like Kana, but then funny and playful like he used to be when he was a kid,

"Hey, Dad" Ryung slightly flinched at Nahida calling him Dad as he still wasn't used to it.

"Um, Yes Nahida"

"Why did you leave me and Mama?" This question caught him off guard as he cleared his throat as Nahida was waiting for his answer.

"Cause I was a young and dumb guy..." He says while looking over at Kana who is on the phone. 'Yet now I'm an older dumb guy,' He thought while looking at Nahida,

"Oh...well I forgive you! But I think you gonna have to do a lot of work to get Mama to forgive you," She says with a giggle as she swings on the big girl swing. Ryung chuckled at his daughter's words.

"Oh believe me I know," He says knowing how stubborn Kana can be, and smiles slightly at the memories of them together.

"Are you gonna stay this time..." Ryung looked at Nahida, with widened eyes.

"No, I can't I don't live here anymore, as I just came back to meet you," He lied to Nahida knowing that he didn't come here for her but to break Kana's and Kirishima's trust and use Kana and her for a higher racking,

"Oh..." Nahida says sadly, as she continues to swing, not trying to show her sadness but Ryung sees this all a long time ago.

'So she even has Kana's way of trying to hide her true emotions huh,' He thought as Nahida's face looked just like Kana's when she was a teenager hiding her emotions but she just needed more practice to ensure that mask like her mother.

"But don't worry I'll come to visit, I want to see you grow up into a beautiful flower like your mom" He lied again knowing that she gonna hate him if she ever found out his true interests. Nahida smiled with joy believing his words like an innocent child she was.

"Okay! Now please push me!" She says with a smile on her face as hangs onto the chains to the swing,

"Sure," He says as he goes behind her and pushes her.


It was now the end of the day and Nahida was in the back of Kana's car sleeping as the day had tired her out. Kana looked at Ryung, who was looking at ass when she put Nahida inside the car.

"Keep your eyes to yourself," She says to him, while gently closing the door to not wake up Nahida.

"Sorry, my bad but um thanks for letting me see her," Kana scoffed, at his words. As she crossed her arms under her chest.

"Ha, if I didn't you've kept on harassing me, to the point where I fainted again," She said while glaring at him, but then calmed down. As Ryung's eyes widened at hearing she lost consciousness cause of him.

"Anyways, list here, if I find out that your intentions are nothing but pure I promise you, Ren I'll rip out fuck spine like sub-zero from Mortal Kombat hear me," She threatens him putting venmo in his last name,

"Okay, I will not I promise, but how about I'll meet her every day to prove it, deal?" He suggested while raising a brow, hesitant as she knew that something was wrong,

"Fine, but not on Saturdays as that's the day she has a play date with her friend, now I have to go so good night or whatever," She says while getting into the driver's seat of her car and driving off.

Meanwhile Ryung glares at the Black car,

"Are sure it's just for Nahida and not for you as well," He asked no one then took out his phone to call Bonnie.

"Yeah, hello this is what happened..."


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