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Friendships and Loveships it's not the same...right?


It has been two weeks already and Kana has only a day left in Japan, so she spent time with Nahida all of last week and dropped her off at her parent's house, so she could stay with them until she comes back.

Currently, she is out getting drinks with her friends even though she can't get drunk due to her quirk, but she enjoys the taste of the burning liquid and hanging out with her friends.

"Wait are you serious Kan-Kan?! You pulled Red Riot!" The girl with blonde curly hair and navy blue eyes said with a wide grin on her face.

"W-What?! No! I didn't say that, I believe what said was that we hang out with each other due to our daughters being friends and all..." Kana said while blushing a bit making Meko and Maya smirk.

"Uh-huh! Sure Kana whatever you say!" Meko said as Kana glared at her and Maya giggled.

"You know if you do get into a relationship with the Red Riot Miguel is going to have a cow!" Maya said as she begins to laugh as her twin brother always have being in love with Kana.

Kana, then laughed at her words as she did love and care for him but just not in the way Miguel wanted her to.

"Haha! I bet! He'll be like Kana my one and only true love! How could you betray me like this?! Especially with a man I can't compete with!"Meko said as Maya nodded while laughing she thought her best friend was spot on with the copy of her younger 20 seconds twin brother.

"Hey Maya, how is Miguel doing away? I'm surprised he's not her, as he never misses a chance to see Kana." Meko asked as Kana nodded as it was true the male never missed the chance to see her and try to "swoon" her off her feet.

"Oh! He's been good! Just a bit busy with work at his tech company he's currently in Dubai for a business deal with a phone company over there!" The woman said to her best friends with a smile on her face as she then looks down at her drink.

"I'm so proud of him...And with how far he's come with his company," Maya says then looks back up to the girls and then at her wristwatch to see the time.

"Anyway, I have to get going as I have a flight to attend to in the next few hours! It was nice to see you, Kana!" She says while giving the girl a tight hug, and Kana did the same thing.

"You too! Maya and tell Miguel that I said Hello and not to overwork himself!" Kana said as they pulled away from each other grasp.

"Hey! I'm here too!" Meko said with a huff while looking at them.

"Pfffff! I see you almost all of the time you're not that important, Mek-Mek, any bye-bye I'll see you guys soon!"Maya said while brushing off the brown hair girl, who had her arm crossed under her chest.

"Bye! Maya and drive safely!" Kana said while waving goodbye. And then turns to Meko who was still upset about Maya not saying bye to her.

"Come on we have to get going, we still have the stuff to finish some things before we leave, tomorrow morning at 4 am as we're going to be getting there mid-day!" Kana said while getting her purse.

"Oh yeah that's right..." Meko said not look forward to waking up that early in the morning.


Kana was drinking some Chinese slim tea, in her favorite Red Riot mug in hand while upstairs in her room packaging some last-minute things and making sure that she has everything.

"Laptop charger check...and that everything then." She said to herself, then taking the last gulp of her warm tea.

"Oh guess that was the last of it, oh well, let me take this to the sink, then I'll go take a nice hot bath then head to bed." She talked to herself yet again while walking down the stairs to her kitchen with her mug in her hand. Walking to the sink she put the mug in and looked down at it with a soft smile on her face.

"I wonder what he's doing right now? Probably working...he is a hero after all." She said as she thought about Kirishima while looking at the mug,

'Ding-Dong!' The doorbell rang making Kana jump a bit in surprise,

'Who could be here at this hour? It's almost midnight.' She thought while walking to her front door, and slightly tip-toe, to look threw the peephole to see who was there. Her gray eyes widened when she saw it was Kirishima!

'He's gonna live for a long time...' She thought while unlocking her door, with a smile on her face.

"Hey! Kana!" The redhead said with a smile the smile that makes Kana weak to the knees as she had to contain a bright smile.

"Hi! Please come in!" Kana said to him while opening the door wide so he could come in, and he did. "What brings you here? Not that I mind or anything like that! It's just a bit of a surprise you know..." Kana asked as Kirishima chuckled at her words.

"Yeah, I know, sorry about that...But I came here to give you this!" Kirishima dug into his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.

And Kana looked at him with widened eyes as she looked at the box then back to the hero who chuckled at her face.

"It's not what you think. Just open it." Kiri smiled and
Kana opened the box and smiled. Inside was a beautiful necklace. The charm was a ruby-filled 'R.' She gaps as she looks back at him.

"I know that it's a little weird but, I saw it while I was patrolling and thought of you and since you're leaving for America tomorrow I thought it would be like a good luck charm...or like a friendship necklace...you know." He said while nervously rubbing the back of his neck while looking at her as she wasn't showing any reaction.

"Eijiro..."She whispered then did something unsuspected as she hugged him taking in all of his minty aroma that put her at ease Kirishima wrapped his arms around her back taking in her floral aroma.

"I love it...thank you..." Kana says while pulling away from him with a smile on her face, and Kirishima had the same face.

"I'm glad you like it, but I'll get going as Yurii's sitter is waiting for me, so have a good night and text me when you land tomorrow!" He says as Kana clutches the black velvet box in her hand as if her life depended on it.

"Oh yes, I will! You have a good night as well Eijro, and thank you again for the necklace it is truly beautiful, and drive safely!" Kana says while getting the door for him.

"I will Kana!" He said as he walked out of the door and Kana closed it.


Kana was now in her room in front of a mirror to be more specific, as she had put on the necklace with a big smile on her face. And that's when it hit her, the charm was an 'R'

"It's an R, for...Red Riot..." She whispered as she smiled to herself in the mirror she then looked at the time to see it was 12:19 am.

"Fuck I have to get to bed I'll wake up earlier so I can shower.." She said while gently taking off the necklace and putting it on top of her dresser.

"I'll wear it tomorrow and at the award ceremony part of the toy con!" Kana said to herself while getting into bed.


Playdates| E.KirishimaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora