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Thank you macaroons

It was Monday evening and Kana, and Nahida was making macaroons for Eijiro as a thank-you for saving Kana, it was Nahida's idea and maybe a bit of Kana, but that's not important Kana told Nahida Red Riot had saved her Nahida went crazy as he was her favorite hero, it also made Kana wonder how she hasn't figured out that he has been in her house.

"Anddd! Done! Good job with the piping sweetheart!" Kana said as she looked at the two big macaroons, that were animal shaped the red one was a dog, and the black one a cat.

"Thank you, mama! You know what Mama I just realized something!" Nahida said as she looked at Kana who tilted her head to see what her daughter had to say.

"That macaroons are like Red Riot! Cause he's hard on the outside but soft on the inside!" Nahida said with a smile as Kana laugh at her words.

"Hah! You're right sweetheart, now go wash up for bed as I wrap up the macaroons okay?" Kana said as Nahida nodded and jumped off the step stool and went to her room, to wash up.

While Kana got the bottom part of the pink-red-ish box, that she bought yesterday while grocery shopping. Of course on the low. Gently she picked up both macaroons and put them in the box, along with some other sweet treats.

"Mmm...Something missing...." Kana pondered while looking at the box, as it then hit her smile appeared on her lips. "Flowers!" She said as waved her hand over the box and red roses started to bloom around the macaroons Kana smiled at the results.

"Perfect..." She mumbled, reaching over the countertop to get the top part of the box, to close the macaroons letting the top slide down, Kana then grab a red ribbon and tie it into a bow.

She looked at the box with a smile as she did her research and Eijiro's agency wasn't that far from her company, it was only a ten-minute walk. Put the box in the fridge Kana went upstairs to her room to get wash up herself and then tuck Nahida into bed along with a bedtime story.


Out of the shower, Kana put on the oversized shirt she took from her older cousin, the shirt fell onto her knees, walking out of her room and to Nahida's room to see she was brushing her hair, then stopped when she saw her mother.

"Mama!" Nahida said happily as she rushed over to her bed where Kana was already sitting.

"Did you pick out the book you want me to read?" Kana asked as Nahida nodded and grabbed it from under her pillow and handed it over to Kana with a smile on her face. Kana looked down at the book to read the title.

'Cinderella' Kana looked at Nahida with a puzzled look, as she read the book to her yesterday night.

"Sweetheart, are you sure that want me to read this one again?" She asked her, as Nahida nodded.

"Yeah! I like this one!" The girl said getting comfortable in her bed.

"Okay then," Kana said clearing her throat and getting into a comfortable position, then opened the book.

"Once upon a time, a girl named Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters...." Kana began to read softly while looking at Nahida.


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