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Good thing for you

Kana was currently, sitting across from Meko with coffee in hand at a cafe telling her about what happened yesterday and this morning as she woke up to a text message from Kirishima.

"No way, let me see what he said!" The brunette exactly said while reaching out her hand for her best friend's phone, Kana then gave it to her as the text message app was already open,
Meko quickly took it and began to read it.

"Good morning! Kana hope you slept well last night, I just wanted to say thank you for having us and I would like to plan another playdate for the girls but this time at my place, anyways hope you have a good day!" Meko read as she looks back up to Kana had a slight pinkish blush on her cheeks as she sipped the last of her coffee.

As she may have or may have not memorized the message already, Meko then smirked and hand Kana her phone back, as the the the black-haired woman put it back in her back pocket.

"So, are you going to do another "playdate" with him?!" Meko asked while saying playdate ever so playfully, as she sipped on her black straw that went in her iced coffee.

"Yeah, I mean I don't see why not. Nahida likes hanging out with Yurii! So yeah!" Kana said with a small smile on her face while playing with the empty cup, while Meko playfully chuckles at her best friend's actions

"And you like to hang out with her father, so it's win-win huh Kana~" Meko teased as she watched Kana blush as she looks at her.

"Yah you dirty-minded girl, it's not like that...this just for the girls to have fun..." Kana said as she thought about last night and how she felt so comfortable around the hero as he was easy to get along with, and this didn't get unnoticed by Meko.

"Oh my god, you like him!" Meko said making Kana look at her, looked at Meko with a fake confused look making the other female roll her eyes.

"I know you know what I mean, Kana so don't play dumb with me! This can be so good thing for you Kana!" Meko said while Kana's face went blank as she got up, not wanting to deal with this conversation on her day off

"Bye Meko I'm not having this conversation again." The black-haired woman said as Meko followed with a huff as she was her ride.

"Come on, Kan I know that you at least thought about a relationship at least once and he may be the one to make your heart not so cold anymore!" Meko said as she got into Kana's car, as she was going to spend time together at the mall as Kana had to pick up some things for her house.

Kana rolled her eyes as she gets in her car, and looks at putting on her seat belt, while Meko was already set to go.

"I'm not always cold, and "the one" doesn't exist and I don't need a relationship I'm good on my own, and Nahida," Kana said with a face as she turn on her car, and began to pull out of the parking space.

Meko rolled her eyes and mentally cursed Nahida's father for making her like this to love, as Meko believe that she deserves to be loved like how she put out people who she cares about.

'Stupid, fucking Ren Ryung I swear to god if I ever see him again I'm gonna crystallize him alive!' She thought and then speak again.

"Yeah, I know that Kana, you're good on your own but just imagine more of the all the best things you could have in life!" The brunette said while Kana glared at her and then focused back on the road.

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