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Crazy Bitch


Short chapter sorry! Just wanted to get something out for you all! ♥︎

Somewhere in America in New York

"Thank you! Elemen Man!" A civilian said to the red and black-haired male who smiled and waved as he just saved him.

"It's no problem! Just doing my job!" Ryung said while walking away as that was the last of his patrol, as he walked to his agency.


Ryung was beyond angry when he saw the box-dyed black-haired female who was ever so desperately trying to be his ex-girlfriend as well as trying to get with her, even though he knows that Kana would never like her.

"Why hello there Ryung," She said with a smirk and a mischievous voice.

"What are you doing here? I thought I made it clear that I'm no longer working with you!" Ryung said angrily at the woman who chuckled.

"Tsk, Tsk, it's always that bad temper of yours no wonder you're little brother is the number one hero here," She traded knowledge that she had pushed a button on him.

"Shut up! He's only number one because of our parents! Now answers my question!" He yelled at the woman who was sitting in his desk chair. She rolled her eyes at the excuse.

"I'm here because guess who's coming here in two weeks?"She asked him, with a smirk.

"Kana?" He asked a bit excited as he felt something regrow when he saw her again.

"Precisely and she only gonna be here for a day as toy con is coming up and you are going to be there!" She said while pointing at him.

"No, I don't work for you anymore and no one is going to believe you with your blackmail stuff." He said this made the female smirk.

"That's what you think, here have a look at this." The girl slides him her phone, Ryung took and his eyes widened as he saw it was his younger self flirting it up with the Hero Public Safety Commission President, and the comments were crazy.

"You bitch!" Ryung yelled at her, then looked up from the phone to see her face darkened as she grabbed the phone back and looked at him in his eyes.

"Call me that again and I'll post the video of you fucking your way to a hero and then you can really kiss your career bye-bye," She told him as Ryung's eyes widened at how she knew that.

"As I've said before Ren I have eyes and ears everywhere at all times...But! We have important things to attend to as unlike you I have people watching her. And for once in your life you were correct." She said while sliding her phone to him, Ryung saw the picture of Kana and Kirishima walking and laughing,
And Ryung didn't like it,

The truth is that Ryung never really took a liken to the redhead cause during the time he and Kana were dating he was all she talked about, and it all started after he had saved her, and he didn't really like working with him as no one was that nice.

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