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Unfortunate encounter

Kana had just gotten off the phone with the health and safety company as they approve her latest toy, and now she can put it on the market but currently, she was typing on her computer as she had some emails to write.

"Grrr," Her stomach said making Kana freeze as she looks at the time in the corner of her computer, screen.

"Oh shit, it's already two o'clock...Damn, I missed lunchtime no wonder my stomach is making noises, I'll take lunch break now, then." She said to herself while pushing back her chair so she can get up to leave. Grabbing her jean jacket, and putting it on, she took out her phone from her pocket, to call Meko to see if wanted to go with her to get something to eat.

"Hey, I'm going on lunch do you wanna come with?" The black-haired woman asked her best friend, as she grabbed her wallet and put it in her pocket as she walked into the elevator,

"Nah, I already ate in the shain shokudo and I have to finish your schedule for next week," Meko said on the other side of the phone. As Kana nodded as if she see her.

"Oh alright, then I'll see you later bye." Kana said as she hung up the call, put her phone back in her pocket, and walked out of the elevator as the doors opened.

Two employees were waiting for it as they bowed when Kana walked out, and said good evening, as Kana said the same thing back, as she continues to walk out of her building and to a cafe down the street.


As Kana walked in she was hit with the smell of food and coffee, which brought a small smile on her face. As she walked to register smiling happily toward the guy behind the counter who smiles back. Resting her hand against the counter, Kana look up at the menu and bite her lip in thought as she wonder what she fancy.

'Do I go for the salad? Or the sandwich?...Or do I spice it up and get a wrap instead? How healthy do I feel today? Or should I leave and get a dirty burger from the diner? N, I should stay healthy.' Kana thought
as she looks toward the barista who grins her way and winks playfully making her smile. The guy cleared his throat gently making her smile slightly flush.

"What can I get you?" He asks softly, leaning against the counter, resting his head on the heel of his palm, playful gleam in his eyes.

"I'll I have... a buffalo chicken melt," Kana replied with a smile, thrumming her manicured nails against the counter before nodding to herself about what drink has, "And a have an iced vanilla sweet cream latte, please." She said with a smile

"Coming right up," he replies, "That would be 1782.65 yen!" telling Kana the cost of the order she takes out her card and puts it in the machine, as the little screen said approved. She then takes out her card and puts it back in her wallet. The male headed toward the coffee machine to make her coffee
and food while the young woman went to go sit down and wait for her order taking out her phone and going to Instagram.

She then heard the little bell on top of the door chime meaning that someone else walked in, not paying attention to who came in until they spoke to her...

"Kana?! Is that you?" The unfamiliar deep male voice said, making Kana look up, and her eyes widened as she saw who it was looking at...her ex-boyfriend and father of her daughter!

"Ryung?!" That was all she could get out of her mouth as she had too many questions flying through her head, he just chuckled as he walks over to her and sits down across from her,

"Yup, in the flesh! But how have you been doing? World's first trillionaire, I always knew only you could pull something like that!" He said like they were friends or something and Kana was baffled at this man. She looked at him like he was crazy,

"Have you lost your mind? Or has that hair dye gone to your head as we both know that's not your natural hair color?" Kana said while crossing her arm over her chest, as she looks at him and all he did was chuckled.

"Ouch, Kana, that hurt what happened to my sweet flower?" He asks with a small pout, on his lips. While Kana felt chills go down her spine at the pet name he used to call her back in high school when they were dating.

"The fact that you have the audacity to ask me that is truly baffling, Ryung." Kana said while getting up as the barista called out Kana and placed her order in front of her "Here, you go!" He said as Ryung followed behind her.

"Thank you!" Kana replied, taking her order, as she turn around to leave but Ryung stopped her.

"Why are you being like this with me?" He asked as Kana scoffed, at the question as she looked at him.

"Allow me to re-jog your memory Ryung you get me pregnant at the end of my second year in high school, cause you said that if I didn't do it with you, you were going to leave me, and then when I told you I was pregnant you dumped me like I was some type piece of garbage, and then you delete my number and blocked me on every social media platform, then you go out to date  Boni, then broke it off with her at least that's what I heard from people and you move to the states for years to become a hero and now you magically pop up at nowhere land and think that were going to be peaches and creams?!" Kana asked him, while he just looked at her while rubbing his neck nervously,

"Uh, yeah..." Ryung said as Kana looked at him, with her mouth dropped open, at his words she then closed her mouth and breathe in and then out, as she began to speak.

"You what Ryung you are the worse man I have ever met in my life and I hope you rot in hell, and you know what dating you thought me?" Kana asked him as he looked into her gray eyes that no longer holds love and admiration in them, but instead, they held hatred and anger.

"What? Did it teach you, Kana?" Kana then started to smirk a bit.

"It thought me to never play truth or dare again." Kana said as Ryung's jaw dropped open Kana then headed out the door. But then someone else came in a redhead to be more specific.

"Red Riot! Hi!" Kana said as she felt like all her anger was washed away just by looking at Kirishima's smile, as she felt a smile grow on her lips.

'He truly is the hero with the best smile!' Kana thought, as she had a light blush on her face and Ryung took note of that.

"Hey, Kana! It's okay for you to call me Eijiro on the job," He says while looking down at her a bit as he was taller than her, but he thought it was cute. Just as Kana was going to say something someone else beat her to it.

"Kana, you didn't tell me you also know Red Riot here! What a small world huh?!" Ryung said as he walks next to Kana who just rolled her eyes at him, and Kirishima took notice of how Kana's mood went downhill.

"Yes well, his and my daughter, go to school together," Kana said while glaring at Ryung when she said my daughter, and that's when Kirishima put two and two together and acknowledge that Ryung is Nahida's Father and Kana's ex now he has lost two likable points from Kirishima

"And how do you know him?" Kana asked while crossing her arms, and looking at Ryung.

"I'm working under him for the time I'm here!" Ryung said as Kana rolled her eyes as she couldn't believe he was actually a hero now. Kana then looked back at Kirishima and he nodded her calm and happy mood was now back, as she clears her throat.

"As much as I would like to say and chat with you Red Riot I can't as I have a meeting in the next hour and I haven't had my lunch yet! But text me the details about the playdate! Bye!" Kana said as she waves to the red-haired man as she walks out of the cafe.


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