Chapter 95

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We stuck around at the end of the garden for a while so that Remus and Peter could ask any questions that they wanted to. They asked the usual - what dates we had gone on, whether it was in fact me that Sirius was visiting at night - there was uproar at that. "I knew he was visiting someone" Peter cried. "Me too, I just hadn't realised it would be Trudy" Remus had responded. And then we had had to explain how Sirius could get in and out of my room through the window and that the genders could mix in the Hufflepuff dormitories. Finally they started asking about the longevity of our relationship; whether we thought it would last and whether we were serious about each other. I blushed through most of the conversation and let Sirius take over the answers - I wasn't keen on sharing but I was happy enough for him to.
Finally James leaned back on his elbows. "Well then, that's two of the four of us settled" he stated. "Just need to find someone for you two" he nudged the other boys with his foot.
"You and Lily out for the count then?" Peter asked and James smiled knowingly.
"I'd marry her today if I could" he admitted.
"You're only just of age James!" I cried, exasperated.
"I know" he sighed. "And I think she would want to wait longer anyway. She's grown up with muggles and they all settle down late, but as soon as I reckon she'll say yes I'm going to ask her." I rolled my eyes. First Adam, now James. Everyone was at it. I cuddled into Sirius' side and my eyelids started to droop. It was quite late after all. But I was jerked awake when I heard Sirius mumble "me too". I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. His chest rumbled with laughter. "As soon as I reckon you would say yes Trudy. That's not for many years yet".

We eventually made our way back to the house. The party had died down and most people had left but there were a few stragglers left around and we definitely passed Chrysol in a corner with Brian as we headed inside. So that was where he had gotten to...
We showed the guys to their room (Sirius's room. Dad had put a temporary extension charm on it) and then Sirius walked me to my own room.
He sat down on my bed beside me and cuddled in close.
"Why did Remus take the news so poorly?" I asked straight away. "Why did he have to know? I know you said to trust you but... I just want to know" I ended in a sigh.
Sirius sighed too and shuffled. "Remus was starting to develop... Feelings for you" he explained. Right. Okay. I couldn't help the blush that flooded my cheeks.
"You know I don't"
"I know" Sirius interrupted me. "It's not your fault Trudy. You're the first girl that has discovered his secret. And you don't treat him any different. You were just kind to him. It was bound to happen. But... I thought it best he knows about us so that he doesn't fall head over heels for you when you're not available."
I nodded. That made sense. Although if I had known how he felt, I might have revealed our secret in a more subtle way. It was fair enough to be pissed off if you find your best friend kissing the girl you like. I sighed again.
"Go on" I pushed Sirius gently. "You had probably better go. I'm sure they will all have plenty more questions for you." He chuckled before crashing his lips to mine. "Actually, now they know, it means I can spend more time with you".
I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled him close.

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