Chapter 54

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I was woken by my name being called.
"Trudy" I rolled over and pulled my duvet over my head. I was not done sleeping yet.
"Trudy" the voice insisted. I buried deeper into the bed. It was so warm and soft. So comfortable.
I felt a tug on the duvet. "Go away" I groaned.
"No" Andy replied. "We need to talk."
Fine. If Andy needed to talk, then Andy needed to talk. He wasn't the kind to interrupt my sleep for nothing. I rolled onto my back. It took me a few moments to open my eyes as the room was well lit with yellow light streaming through my curtains. Normally I didn't mind that my curtains were thin, but today I was not best pleased. Eventually I sat up. Andy was sat at the end of my bed, leaning against the footboard. He was still in his pyjamas and dressing gown.
"What do we need to talk about?" I asked him.
"I want an explanation.... I need to know what I saw... I know you have every right to your privacy and your secrets, and I know how you feel about rumours and relationships and all that jazz, but as your best friend I just want to understand it. Because if I am going to be keeping secrets for you, then I think I deserve the right to know what secrets it actually is that I am keeping." My eyes widened. What had he seen? What secrets? I only really had the one and I had so hoped to keep it a secret longer. I didn't want to hurt Andy. I didn't want to lie to Andy. Shit.
"You don't have to tell me everything. You don't really have to tell me anything. I just need to know you're okay. But..." He seemed to be trying to find the words. My heart beat loudly in my chest. "I saw you last night. I saw you outside. At 5 in the morning Tru. I saw Sirius kiss you. At least, I think I did. What did I see Tru?"
I froze. Shit shit shit. Bludgers, quaffles and Marlins golden snitch.I didn't know what to say. Andy evidently saw that in my face as he continued.
"It's okay if you can't tell me. I just wanted to check you're okay, that he wasn't forcing you into anything. Because I will beat the ever loving magic out of him if he did" I chuckled at that. "But just please, don't lie to me".
I nodded.
"This wasn't how I wanted you to find out Andy" I spoke, looking at my duvet cover as I did so. I started tracing the outline of the flowers with my finger. I could feel his eyes studying me, but he didn't push me to talk.
"I wanted to tell you myself...." I honestly wasn't sure what I could say. Where do I even start? I guess the beginning. "I...have been seeing Sirius... For... A few months now." I looked up to find Andy's eyes trained on my face. This was the kind of news that I wanted to look him in the eye while I told him. "You know how I feel about relationships. I didn't really want to be in one but... I really liked Sirius. And he really liked me. So we came up with the plan to not tell anyone. We've been keeping it a secret from everyone! Well. Adam found out, but that's it. We've been having dates every now and again. And I met his parents! That didn't go very well. And he met mine obviously. That went alot better..." Andy still didn't say anything so I continue jabbering away nervously. "I'm not ready for anyone to know yet though. I'm really not. I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."
Andy held up a hand to stop my ramblings. "Stop." He seemed to be processing what I had said. "Are you happy?" He asked.
"Very" I nodded, a grin slowly forming.
"Then that's all that matters. I won't tell anyone. No-one at all. I promise. Just... if you don't want anyone to know... please try to be more careful."
"How come you saw?" I blurted out. "I mean, it was 5 o'clock in the morning Andy. Why were you awake?"
"I still couldn't sleep. And then I heard laughing out in the grounds. It was 5am. So I got up and looked out the window. Saw you. And Sirius chasing you. And then..." He gestured with his hand. I nodded. I knew what happened next.
"I really am sorry" I said in a quiet voice. "I didn't want to keep anything from you. But I just couldn't... The more people know, the more likely it is to come out. And I just really don't want that to happen yet. Can we pretend like you never saw anything? Like no one knows?"
"Sure thing". He nodded. Smiling sadly at me. Weird... "I won't mention it again. It's just... It's good to know that you're happy Tru. To know that you've got someone. Even if it's a secret someone" he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed, grabbing my pillow and throwing it at him.
"Thanks Andy. Now let's get some breakfast."

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