Chapter 4

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I went straight to the library after dinner. Both professors Sprout and Slughorn had given us homework too so I figured I would get a head start before meeting Potter. I found a free table and made myself comfortable, surrounding myself with books. I tackled the potions essay first. It wasn't my strong suit. While I understood magical theory clearly, I struggled with potions. The ingredients all got jumbled in my mind and I couldn't make sense of them. Take this essay for example, why did adding lacewing flies to what was ostensibly a cheering potion turn it into a potion for dreamless sleep? Who knows...
I got so caught up in trying to work it out that I didn't even notice when Potter approached my table.
"Hi" he smiled cockily, sitting down in the chair opposite me.
I looked up "Oh hi! Give me one sec" I finished my sentence on the structure of the lace wing, putting the essay in my bag with my potions book.
"Charms or transfiguration?" I asked Potter.
"Up to you" he smiled back.
"Okaaay" I hesitated, unsure, pulling my transfiguration book towards me. "Let's start with transfiguration. Chapter 3 right? Hemifews theory". I looked up. He still hadn't got his book out yet. "Are you going to get your book out?"
"Nah, I figured you could explain it to me. You are McGonagalls golden girl aren't you?" I glared daggers at him.
"Let me get one thing straight" I said icily. "I will not teach you while you sit there doing nothing. You look it up yourself and I will explain anything you don't understand. Got it? Now start". He looked quite taken aback at that. Like no one had ever told him no. But he did as he was told; he got his book out and started reading. I watched him for a couple of minutes before turning to my own book. I knew this theory but it was good to have a refresher.
After about 10 minutes Potter looked up.
"I know this one" he said in amazement. "I looked it up a while ago for some private research" it was my turn to look sceptical.
"Private research for something that would cause havoc across the school and get you in trouble?"
"Of course not! Me in trouble? Never". I chuckled. It was easy to see why he got away with so much. He was a very charming character.
"So, the point of the theory is that human transfiguration must stay within the bounds of removing the magic completely. There is a time limit on ones transfiguration if the witch or wizard involved is changing into something non magic, say, for example, a chair. While the time limit can be circumvented by having an associate transfigure you back, it is best to stay within the time limit to allow for personal reformation. Is that about right?" Potter asked.
I was impressed he knew so much by heart.
"Yeah I think that about sums it up." I said. "Now what on earth could you have been doing to make you look that up?"
He just laughed and bent over his own parchment, writing out his 5 inches. I wrote my own.

It turned out that my week partnering Potter was quite entertaining. We got through all our work, mastered a complex motion charm as well as the herbaceous jinx and the spell to end it. And we laughed. I actually got on quite well with him.
Which was a great contrast to the following week where I was partnered with Tina.
As October approached the weather got worse. Rain lashed the castle windows and the fires were soon roaring in the grates. I started wearing my winter cloak and house scarf to lessons.
Monday morning came around again and I trudged wearily towards the classroom. I pulled my yellow scarf tighter around my neck. I'm not good when indoors is cold.
I had just had a week partnered with Lily Evans. It was a lot of fun. We had done our work efficiently and effectively.
I turned into the classroom, pulling my bag off my shoulder and dumping it on the floor next to my chair. I pulled out my books, quill and parchment before looking around.
"Hiya" Lily smiled, slipping into the seat next to me.
"Hi" I smiled back "How are you today?"
"I'm good thanks" she was interrupted by professor McGonagall storming into the room in a towering rage. I had never seen her so angry.
She slammed her own books down onto her desk. "You will notice" her voice was shaking with barely controlled rage. "That Severus Snape is no longer with us". I glanced around. Sure enough, he wasn't in the room. "Severus Snape" She continued "has been uninvited from this class. And I will warn you. If I EVER find any of you using spells and skills learnt in this class on other students again, you will similarly be removed and face expulsion from the school. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes professor McGonagall" we all replied, clearly shaken.
I turned to Lily, my eyebrows raised in questioning but she was pale as chalk and clearly shocked.
"Are you okay?" I asked quietly.
She blinked, still staring forwards. "I can't believe he would do that" she mumbled, visibly shaken. I squeezed her arm. I knew I couldn't make it better but I could let her know I was there for her. She gave me a small smile then turned back to McGonagall, who seemed to have calmed down a bit.
"Today class, we will be studying chapters 18 to 20 of your transfiguration books. The flocklan theory of mammalian transfiguration." Black groaned at the front of the class.

Two hours later and Flitwick was dividing us into pairs.
"Miss Greenwood with Mr Black" he called out finally. I smiled at Black across the desks.
"Library tonight then?" I asked him.
"Sure" he replied, moodily. "Its not like I have anything better to do".
Alrighty then....

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