Chapter 88

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Saturday afternoon found me getting ready for Slughorns party with my friends. They had all come crashing into my room around 5 ladened down with make up, nail varnish, dresses and shoes. Kate had even pulled a bottle of sloe gin from somewhere and was happily passing it round to anyone who would take it. I didn't. I was feeling a little nervous about tonight and after last time, I didn't think that more booze would be the answer. I also decided to take more control of my look this time, so I did my own make up and hair. I tried to keep it casual - subtle foundation, faint smokey eyes in shades of pink and grey and a dark bold lip. I put on my purple velvet heels and left my hair down, styling it only slightly to make it curlier than normal. Finally I pulled my mum's dress out of the box that it had lived in since Adam gave it to me. My friends ooohed and ahhhhed around me and I couldn't help but admire the dress. It was light silver silk that fell to the floor in a simple sheath. It had thin straps to hold it up, but when I put it on it fit perfectly around my chest, hugging my figure close. One it passed my hips the skirt fell to the floor with enough give to fan out a little as I walked. The back was low cut. I loved this dress. I always had. And as a kid I had always wanted to get it out and try it on. Rose had done such a good job on it and it fit well. I finished off the look with the necklace that Sirius had given me last year, and the fancy bracelet he had given me for my birthday. I put on a silver ring from mum and dad and finally I borrowed Helens dangly earrings. With a final flourish I clipped my wand into the space on my bracelet and took a final look in the mirror. I was happy with it. I snuck a glance at the clock on the wall to find it was already nearly eight.
"Quaffles, I've got to go" I told my friends. "I'm supposed to be in the entrance hall in a minute. Sorry!"
"We'll see you there though right?" Jane asked and I nodded at her.
"Of course".
"Have a good time" Kate squeezed my shoulder as she moved in front of the mirror.
"I still don't get why" Helen started, and I took that as my queue to leave. I wasn't about to rehash that argument again.
"Byyeee" I called over my shoulder as I went.

I passed several rooms of people getting ready on my way out of the dormatories, and passed a few groups of people watching everyone go as I left the common room. There was a low wolf whistle from the corner but I ignored it. I pushed out of the barrel door and walked headlong into someone.
"Sorry sorry" I said, stumbling back, but looked up to find it was just Sirius. He reached out to steady me in my heels. He looked fantastic. Say what you will but a guy in a bowtie... Phew! There is nothing sexier. And Sirius looked like he belonged in a bow tie.
"Wow" the word hung in the air between us for a moment and it took me that long to realise that it wasn't me who had spoken.
"What?" I asked.
"You look gorgeous" Sirius grinned. I blushed instantly.
"You don't look too shabby yourself."
"Kiss her you nitwit" a voice came from the side and I looked up to see James. I had been so focused on Sirius that I hadn't even noticed him standing right there. James looked pretty dapper too in his dress robes, but my eyes instinctively flicked back to Sirius. He was still staring at me intently, his eyes raking up and down my body. Finally he stepped forward and pulled me into a passionate embrace. I responded instinctively, seizing him back, but froze slightly when I heard James shuffling to the side. Bludgers. We needed to be better at that...
We pulled apart and I checked to see that Sirius didn't have any make up on his face. He rubbed his lips just to be sure.
"Do I still look alright?" I asked.
"You look gorgeous Tru" he grinned at me. "But in answer to your question, no your make up is not smudged."
"If there were a girl here, they'd be impressed by that lipstick" I laughed. "Sorry about that James. I guess we're... Not used to people being around."
"I know" he grimaced. "I could tell. That's why I'm here though, Sirius said he was going to come meet you in your common room and I thought it might be best to make sure you two didn't get caught."
"I thought I was meeting you in the entrance hall?"
"I knew you were nervous for tonight so I figured I would come meet you sooner" Sirius explained. He gestured in the direction of the entrance hall though and I followed his lead, walking along the corridor. "James said he would come along. We'll meet the other two there. They've been briefed about tonight. We won't leave you alone."
"Thank you" I whispered. This was the reason I was going with these guys and it was good to know they had my back.
"You're really doing something there Trudy" James said in a low voice and I looked behind me at the two of them. They were both watching me walk.
"Oi. My eyes are up here thank you very much" I said loudly to get their attention.
"What? We can't help it!" James complained, looking up at me.
"He doesn't have to. You do" I told James sternly.
"Back off mate, she's mine" Sirius almost growled. I couldn't help it but my heart had a little flutter. I was his.
"I'm actually mine thank you very much" I shot back and Sirius smirked at me. "Anyway James, aren't you seeing Evans at the moment?"
He grinned slyly. "Might be" I rolled my eyes. "About that though Trudy. She seemed to have changed her opinion of me over the summer. I've recently learnt that she met you in diagon alley for drinks around the time she first sent me a letter. Would you perchance have had anything to do with that?"
I paused at the doorway to the entrance hall and shrugged. "Well, I told her you weren't really too bad if that's what you mean?" He took a quick step up besides me and put a hand on my waist so he could whisper in my ear.
"Thank you Trudy."
It was at that point that I noticed Peter and Remus waiting in the entrance hall. I waved a hand in greeting and made my way over towards them. Their faces looked a picture of shock when they noticed me.
"Is it really that big a deal that I've dressed up?" I asked, a little miffed.
"Isn't that the point of getting dressed up?" Sirius asked as he walked up behind me. "For men to ogle you?"
I scoffed. "I don't do it for men! I dress up for me. To make me feel pretty."
"And you look beautiful" Sirius smirked, "so it's a win win", he was evidently really enjoying being able to say that in front of people without anyone questioning it.
"You really do Tru" Remus chimed in and I blushed.
"Shall we just go to the damn party?" I asked, trying to distract them from me. It partly worked and we made our way down into the dungeons, the boys still laughing and trying to make me blush at any opportunity.

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