Chapter 90

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The minute I stepped into my dormitory a tapping started on the window. I smiled and went to open it. Sirius tumbled into the room almost as soon as it was unlocked. He got tangled in my curtains but managed to shake out of them when he reached the floor. I couldn't help but laugh. A proper creasing kind of laugh. Tears started to leak from my eyes and I had to sit down on my bed until it passed. Then I looked at Sirius, still sat bewildered on the floor and I couldn't help but crack up again. Eventually he righted himself and sat next to me on the bed. "Alright, that's enough" he snapped. I stopped laughing. "How come it took you so long to get back here?" He complained.
"I was chatting with Andy" I told him.
"For that long?" He sounded mopey.
"Sirius" I said lightly, getting him to look at me. "Shut up and kiss me will you" he obliged. Eventually I felt him smiling against my lips.

A few minutes later we broke apart. He leaned his forehead against mine while we caught our breath. I loved moments like this. They were so beautiful. I could stare into his eyes for days.
"So what were you talking to Andy about then?" He asked and I chuckled. His curiosity would always win out.
"I was explaining why I hadn't gone with them" I told him. "About Eric."
"Ah, that arsehole."
"Good of you to tell him though. You're feeling up to talking about it?"
"Yeah, actually, I saw" a knock sounded at my door and a voice called out "Trudy". Sounded like Jane. I pushed Sirius back onto my bed with impressive force. He rolled back against the wall and I threw my duvet over him.
"Just coming" I called as I checked I couldn't see Sirius and went to answer the door. "What's up?" I asked as I pulled it open, then I took in the scene before me. Jane in her pajamas with her arm around a crying, dishevelled looking Kate, still in her ball gown. I stepped back to let them in.
"Boys are the worst" Kate hicupped. Uhoh.
"Some boys are the worst" I agreed.
"I think we need a girly night in" Jane explained.
"Of course" I answered. My heart sank. I had been really excited for my night with Sirius but Kate was here and she was upset. She needed me. But I knew how these sleepovers went and I didn't think my friends would appreciate it if Sirius was privy to their secrets and thoughts. I had to get him out of the room but I couldn't do that while they were here, so I made my excuses. "Kate, go get your pajamas and your duvet. Jane, I'm sorry to ask this but I think we're going to need to break into your stash of Honeydukes". Jane always had a stash hidden away for 'use in emergencies'. They both nodded. "And if either of you see Helen, get her along too. She'll be sad to miss out."
I watched them out of my room, making sure the coast was clear before retrieving Sirius from the bed. "Did you hear any of that?" I asked.
"Boys are the worst huh?" He smirked.
"Some boys" I grinned flirtatiously. "I'm so sorry but you are going to have to go. They'll be back soon." He looked crestfallen. I felt that.
"Why should I? Why do you have to be there for them just because they're having issues. They weren't there for you when you had boy trouble."
"Sirius! I'm not going to ditch my friends when they need me. I have to be better than that."
"I know" he moped, "just let me be a little selfish sometimes." He cuddled in close to me on the bed. I cuddled him back briefly, and gave him a quick, deep kiss. Then I pushed him off. "Go Sirius!"
"Damn you for being a good person Trudy Greenwood" he muttered as he went. When he was out the window he turned back around, kneeling on the grass outside. "I'm going to come back tomorrow night" he told me.
"You had better do" I agreed, "I was looking forward to our 'run' tonight."
He blushed and I shut the window in his face. I was pulling the curtains closed when Kate came back into the room, swaddled in her own yellow duvet, tears still streaming down her face.
"Okay Hun, what's up?"

Kate's heartbreak was purely as a result of Olly's complete idiotism. They had gone back to Olly's room together, had sex and then he had rolled over and asked her to shut the door on the way out. She had left in tears, found Jane, who was heading back to her own room as Charlie had a cold, and then come to me. The night turned into one of the best heart to hearts we had had in a long time. I told them about Eric and why I had gone to the party with Sirius and they all apologised. Helen didn't quite understand why I would trust them more than her but eventually Jane and Kate managed to bring her round.
We ended the night with the four of us agreeing to lay off boys for the time being. "Unless of course, you've already got a boyfriend and he treats you well" Kate made the exemption and tilted her head towards Jane. I smiled into my cup of tea. I wouldn't touch boys. Unless, of course, I had a boyfriend who treated me well...

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