You Dare?

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Kim was surprised and annoyed. This man or whoever he is just called him a 'Hero of Salvation' out of absolutely no where.

'this bitch insane??'

"Excuse me young man, but we are talking about you. Not whoever this Cale person is.."

The light-haired man stared at Kim confusingly as Kim gawks at him.


"Well then am sorry, but I don't think I'm such a hero."

The man wore a blackturtle neck and had blondish hair. That description only fitted one character in orv, a character they meet this early in the novel.

No doubt, this man was Cheon Inho, the leader of the Cheoldoo group.

"My my, don't be so humble my dear friend!"

Cheon Inho acted confused but proceeded to speak with a loud voice.

"You brought food with you to this station, It might just be enough for everyone!"

With that, all eyes were on Kim. Hungry, the only thing being portrayed by almost everyone's eyes.

But they could all see, the teen had no food on him. Not even a single biscuit, not even an ounce of water.

" Oi Cheon, are you blind?! The boy doesn't even have food!"

"Are you spouting a bunch of lies now!?"

"You must have eaten something if you became so delusional!"

Profanities were being thrown at Cheon Inho, but the said man just smiled. Everyone became silent at that, confusion and anxiety creeping up their heads.

"Can't you all see them munching on some food? They never had those before. However, after those three kids arrived, they now do."

All of Kim Dokja's party became tense as all eyes returned to look at them, or should I say, the food and water being held by their very own hands.

"As you all know, I am very observant of my surroundings. See that black haired kid over there? He has the food, stored somewhere using his ability."

Now, they all turn to Raon. Some even standing up and stare intently at the young dragon. Hong felt protective of their youngest, and tried shielding him from prying eyes.

On the other hand, the dragon in question was doing exactly what his human would do. While Hong shielded him from one side, Raon stared at the humans on the other side coldly. This forced a handful amount of people to have beads of sweat forming at their forehead.

Tension continued to rise every second, no one spoke a single word. Anxiety filled the room, but one man was laughing in the inside.

The leader of the Cheoldoo group, Cheon Inho, was very pleased at the situation at hand.

'if this continues, then those kids will have no choice but to-'


Every occupant in that room snapped their eyes to the speaker, and who was speaking you ask?

Kim Thames.

"If we did have food that could last days, who says I'm giving them away?"

Dead silent. Even when the room was filled with so much anxiety to the point it suffocated the constellations as well, one teen stood there unfazed.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Like I said, I'm no hero. If you really think that I would be giving you guys any food, then stop dreaming and face reality."

No one could stay quiet after that, everyone shouted at the teen. It was just like what happened earlier except, it was more loud and vulgar. Before, it was pointed at Cheon Inho. Now? At the one only, Kim Thames.

"The fuck did you just say!?"

"You're a fucking heartless monster!"

"How dare you say such shit you bitch!"


"Such a fucking brat-"

"You don't even care about the people around you! You son of a bitch!"

"We are facing reality! That's why we gotta help each other!"

Cursing, swearing, and yelling. More and more just kept coming. Even some of the constellations are confused and angry at Kim's statement. These constellations where the absolute good and some neutral constellations who have a good heart.

[The constellation 'Devil-like Judge of Fire' is shocked and asks as to why you won't share.]

[Some constellations of the absolute good are furious at your greedy attitude.]

If some constellations are angry and confused, there are others who find it amusing and humoring.

[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' finds your choice as a good one.]

[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' finds your statement amusing.]

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' finds your statement amusing.]

[Constellations from the absolute evil laughs at your choice and asks you to join them.]

Shouts just kept coming at Kim until one man silenced them all.

"Now now, surely the teen was just joking."

As Cheon Inho spoke, Kim looked and eyed the party. Kim Dokja's group looks shaken up a bit as the kids just cover their ears and huddle with one another. Raon and Hong seem unfazed enough but Kim could feel their anger.

"Now dear hero, just give us the food and we, the Cheoldoo group, will ration them t-"

"Hey, didn't I already tell you? I. Ain't. Sharing."

The light haired man looked pissed after being cut off 2 times already. Kim didn't care, he has acted like trash for who knows how long.

'this type of thing is nothing compared to what I have faced.'

"If your mouth still has some bullshit to spout- turn right, walk forward, and talk to the fucking wall."

Oh ho, you think Cheon was the only one who's pissed? Include Kim. He was furious because these shits dare shout curses while litteral children are here? If Cale were here, he would have used dominating aura and make everyone shut up.

Too bad, he ain't Cale. Actually, he leans more of a Barrow type.

People were starting to shout again when Kim made a knife and threw it at the bitch who dare slander his parents.

Many gasps and screams were heard as the body fell backwards. It was one swift motion, just a flick of a hand and the man is dead.

"Don't utter any profanities towards this party, or do you guys want to end up like that asshole?"

And with that, Kim silently goes to Raon and Hong.


Ehem ehem, lemme just add.

Happy Birthday to me🥳 and to all of you who have bdays today!

1060 Words.

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