Broken Skill.

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Everyone was walking around the streets for hours before settling under some type of shade. During that time, they looted stuff, ate, slept a bit, changed, and trained (except Cale) all while earning money from constellations.

Say, they were getting pretty rich from all their donations. On was also mastering her skill again bit by bit as the dome became more bigger, big enough to fit a one room apartment. Hong on the other hand just ate the fog like it was some kind of soup.

Both Kim and Barrow fought monsters with their raw strength outside while holding their breath, along with Raon using black arrows to support them inside the dome.

For Cale? He was just chilling while making sure his wards and brothers were alright. He would make Kim and Barrow go to some building and loot it for food and necessities, mostly Barrow though. Boi can hold his breath for long, probably had to practice in his 1000 year exp.

"Are you feeling alright? You can cancel the skill if you can't take it anymore. "

"I can still keep going. "

Though Cale knew that On could do it, he still wanted the child to rest as she has not slept these past hours and children need rest. He let her be since Cale knew that On is a bit more responsible and will stop if it gets too hard.

" Alright then, but don't push yourself to the limit."

Just after hearing his eldest child meow in confirmation, his brothers came in the dome-a bit out of breath.

"haah, don't get me wrong, those guys were a piece of cake. But it was just a teensy bit harder to fight than usual.."

Kim's confusion was cleared when Barrow responded after doing a few stretches

"It's cause we ain't breathing idiot. Breathing affects our fighting ability since it gives us better blood flow."

The oldest just earned a 'tch' and heard something along the lines 'ofc I knew that.' coming from Kim. This is why the exercise breathing is Cale's favorite. You get a bit strong while doing minimal effort.

This routine went along for 2 more days. On the third day however, they decided to go to Geumho exit 4 so that they wouldn't be late for when the actual protagonist came.

On tried to stay but ultimately failed because she was not having any sleep and Cale has had enough of this. He knew she could still do it but children all need enough sleep. (that includes you guys as well, so SLEEP!)

Before arriving at the station, they decided to loot one more shop. They grabbed everything ranging from food, hygiene products, water, alcohol and more. Barrow even grabbed a makeup kit and Kim just looked at him questionably.

"Why are you grabbing that?"

"Ya never know when we need it?"

"... Just admit you're gay as fuck-"

[Constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is chuckling]

[Constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' has donated 500 coins.]

"Thank you judge, and Hey! Just because a boy wears make up doesn't make them gay!"

"Well you're a different case."

They placed everything in Raon's spatial pocket and proceeded to rob another store, another wouldn't hurt, right?

Suddenly, as they were robbing shit, a random GoD asked their incarnation something stupid.

[Constellation 'Embodiment of Death' asks as to why their incarnation won't grab the money in the cashier. ]

[Some Constellations ask if Constellation 'Embodiment of Death' is stupid.]

"Are you stupid or are you just drunk?"

[Constellation 'Embodiment of Death' feels hurt and sobs while saying that what he asked is completely reasonable.]

Cale just stopped to look at this fucking message in front of him. I mean, he could just ignore it but, ain't no way this bastard was this dumb.

[Constellation 'Embodiment of Death' tells you to try and grab some money.]

[A few Constellations are curious as to what your sponsor means.]

Okay, now he is confused but still obliged, hesitantly. Cale stopped what he was doing and went to the cashier just to grab the now useless money, exactly 5,000 Won. After grabbing the money, a screen popped up that shocked him a bit as the money he was holding disintegrated.

[Incarnation 'Cale Thames' has used the skill 'Change Currency lvl1']

[Changing Currency into Current Currency]

[5,000 Won = 3.95 coins]

[Due to the number being decimal, it has been rounded off.]

[You have earned 4 Coins!]

[Constellation [Embodiment of Death] Huffs proudly and tells their incarnation to trust them a bit more.]

[Some Constellations are shocked.]

[A few Constellations question if this skill is even allowed.]

[Some Constellations wonders if such a skill really exist.]

[A few Constellations envy you and want your skill.]

[A Constellation says that Constellation 'Embodiment of Death' was not actually dumb.]

[Alot of Constellations agree with that constellation's statement.]

[A few Constellations are amused.]

[Constellation 'Embodiment of Death' sighs exasperatedly at the constellations.]

[Alot of Constellations say that your sponsor can't exactly blame them.]

[Some Constellations....

'they just keep coming and coming.. Hah..' Cale couldn't help but feel annoyed with how much messages popped up and was thinking of a way to shut them up. He got out of the trance once his child called him.

"Human! What are you doing there!"

Turns out, this whole store was robbed and they were all about to move when they noticed Cale gone. They searched but they never thought they would find him at the cashier.

"Cale, what are you doing? Y'know that money is useless, right?"

"Heh, not anymore."

Barrow flinched, not because of Cale's tone, okay maybe that as well, but the latter had a crooked smile of which he has seen many of times.

"Hey Human! Are we looting more places? You have that smile on!"

"Yea Cale? Are we Nya?"

Unknowingly to them, those words just made Cale smile more brightly, second to only his highness, Roan's Crown Prince Alberu.

"Let's rob a bank, shall we?"


1000 Words.

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