What Now?

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Here they are, standing infront of the closest bank from their location–which was 25 minutes away.

"KB국민은행 금호동.. Are we really gonna rob the place?"

Barrow read the sign and asked at the same time. There was only three of them there; Barrow, Cale, and On. The others went to the station already.

"Yes we are."

As if they were taking a walk in a park, they went inside to look for the vault or at least some places where money was kept.

It's not like they're stealing. No one owns this place now anyway, and what good will money do to people when a new currency has appeared.

They grabbed as much as they can and Cale converted it to coins. The young master wanted to cash out the money in people's bank accounts but there was no electricity, sadly.

In the end, Cale earned 751, 541 coins in the span of 10 minutes. Most of the banks assets were in their online bank so they could only grab much, to Cale's dismay.

Cale shared some of his coins to Barrow and On. They weren't in a hurry so they took their sweet sweet time since Kim, Hong, and Raon were at the station already.

Now you must be thinking, what in the motherfuck is happening in that stuck up starting station? Here.




"And here we are!"

Three beings were seen walking down some stairs towards Geumho station. Those said beings were a human(?), a cat human, and a dragon human, strange set up? You have not seen shit then.

Kim forcefully pulled the metal gate upwards, creating a rattling sound. The group went in and were immediately greeted by some unknown NPCs.

Those said NPCs stood up and started growling their teeth at them, Kim almost thought they were hungry dogs or somethin.

'Stop stop, you are just insulting yourself and Cale probably.'

"Hey, how dare you go in here!"

'A barking do- stawp STAAWP- don' t fucking finish it-'

Silence followed soon after the bark- ehem, that was said. Ackward Silence. The three never uttered a word making the thugs nervous, until someone decided to break the atmosphere.

"... Yo✌️"

The trio just walked away after Kim greeted them with a peace sign, everyone except the three were just confused as fuck. One one question was running in all of their minds:

'What in the name of constellations just happened?'

Yeah, they don't even bother asking it out loud since:

[Some Constellations are  laughing their a** off.]

[A handful of Constellations ask onto what had just happened?]

Kim was definitely not doing any better.

' Hey Human's good brother! Why was everyone so quiet?'

The older just shrugged cause he too was questioning as to what happened, figuring that they best leave it be.

They kept on walking until they reached the main hall, where more survivors were.

"Kim! Over here!"

Immediately upon arriving, they were greeted by Yoo Sangah-ssi and the rest of the group. The three went to the middle but was then bombarded with questions left and right.

"You're okay right?"

"Why are you alone?"

"Where are your siblings?"

"Are you injured?"

"One by one- please-!"

'holy shi-! I can't breath-! '

Kim practically begged for mercy and they complied easily, giving the teen some space to breath. Their questions were then answered in order after Kim took one deep breath.

"First of all, yes noona. Me and these two are okay, and since I have some company–I ain't alone."

Yoo Sangah looked at the other two children as they went to Lee Gilyoung, chatting with each other. They seemed hapy to meet each other again and that made Yoo Sangah smile.

"For my next interviewer, my siblings are above ground gathering some things along with the other kid. Once again, I am not injured. This blood belongs to someone else."

'Or should I say belongs to something else?'

Another emotion was displayed on Lee Hyunsung's when Kim mentioned that it wasn't his blood, but relief soon overtook that said emotion.

Several seconds passed before Kim remembered that they probably ate nothing. So he excused himself and went to Raon to grab some snacks to share.

When Kim turned to the kids, he could see them talking while sharing some snacks together. It took all of his will power to not coo at the sight.

"Hey Raon, mind sharing some food to Lee Gilyoung's friends?"

"Of course! This mighty dra- I mean, child will obviously give his friend's friends food!"

The said child stood up and handed the adults some bread and drinks. They thanked the sweet child and happily munched on their food, relieving their stomachs.

Of course, Kim noticed the hungry gazes of almost–if not everyone–in the room.

'Sorry, but I'm not like Cale.'

He may give the kids some food, maybe the elderly as well–the ones with a disability too? But one things for sure.

'I ain't giving if it means the people I do know starve.'

Kim felt greedy but it was the truth. They may have rations that would last them 3-5 days, but no is a no.

"Why? Our hero of Salvation has appeared?"

The boy instinctively turned to the entrance to see if Cale was there. Seeing that he wasn't, Kim then looked at the man who even said that ridiculous thing–only to find the man looking at him.


"The heck did you just call me? I ain't Cale??"


Sorry for the short chap, school just started and am exhausted. Make sure to study hard for your future though!

940 Words.

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