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[Sub Scenario - Many for One]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: E

Clear Conditions: kill a total of 35 zombies.

Time Limit: 5 Hours.

Compensation: A special skill from your sponsor.

Failure: Death


(For your info, I haven't read the novel in months so this chapter will be based on my memory.)

Kim's Pov

' The stupid gods made this scenario, didn't they?' I just wanna move on to the next scenario. Might as well do it though.'

Bihyung laughed like a maniac as the main screen changed. Dokja told us to hurry up and since we had ears and a decent mind, we followed.

"We gotta hurry before it breaks!"

An ichthyosaur(did I spell it correctly?) Was already biting the legs of the bridge. By calculating the speed which is the distance everyone has travelled in these few minutes along with the distance of the bridge that was around 200 meters as well as the time before the bridge collapses which I think would be in 2 minutes if estimated, the formula for speed is d/t and by using this...

'We would have to travel 100 meters per minute which is already rounded off. '

An average runner would be able to travel 1 mile in 10 minutes while a healthy beginner would take 12 - 15 minutes. 1 mile converted to meters would be 1609.34. Let's use the runner's time which is 10 minutes, dividing it would give us 160.934 meters per minute. If we were to use the beginner's time, let us take 15 minutes. The speed we would get would be 107.28 m per minute.

'But there is another thing to consider... a variable..'

Yep, the zombies...

Though they don't hinder us that much, it is still bothersome.. especially the ones who died on the bridge. At this point, we won't even make half the distance.

"...Everybody get down."

'Just like in the novel huh? Even though we got off the train a minute earlier...' I thought as the monster's scales shone brightly under the thick dust rising from the ground. Its teeth chomped the legs of the bridge like some kind of hard candy.

I hugged Raon fearing the possibility of me accidentally dropping due to shaking, Cale grabbed the two kittens while Barrow saved Yoo Sangah from ultimately falling to her death.

'Nice catch'

Once the dust settled, we slowly got up one by one.

'Is this what Cale felt when he thought he changed something but it's still the same?' Oh well, his problem not mine. 😑

One of Han Myungoh's legs were injured and we are stuck, great...

'What happened in the novel again??' Y'know what? Meh. All I know is that we survived somehow...

[Someone has received the favour of a constellation.]

[The constellation's scenario 'Deus Ex Machina' has been activated.]

Oh.. oooohhhh!

'Now I remember- ' 😐

Dokja must now be thinking that someone must die if I ain't wrong. Well, let's just finish the stupid scenario these three gods gave us.

I walked up to Cale and told him the scenario that appeared 4 minutes ago. I passed Raon to him as he understood the situation.

"Fine, don't take long." Cale then ran off with the other children.

"And what are you still doing here?"

"Well, here is a simple explanation for your brain that is congruent to Choi Han's acting skills." I did a 180° turn smirking when I saw an irk on his forehead.

Kim = 1
Barrow = 0

"Then please, do explain Mr. The one who lost a 40 year war to me genius~"

Oh.. this bitch ass motherfuck-

Kim = 1
Barrow = 1

We were still bickering when a zombie literally jumped on the radish. He almost toppled over but immediately regained his posture as the zombie had his whole mouth on whitey's head.

You guys should've seen it. It was hilarious as fuck.

Le ash then grabbed the zombie and slammed it to the ground, stomping on its nape for it to die.

"Since you finally had a good laugh, I still have to kill 34 more zombies.." Although he faced his back at me, I could feel his sadistic smile as he glares at his prey.

'Talk about hungry vibes'

I made a weapon with my bare hands and gave it to him. "You really thought of going bare handed huh?".

The bitch looked at the simple knife with a confused face, "Where did you..??"

"A skill of mine to make simple weaponry." You must be wondering, 'I thought you guys bought weapons earlier?'

About that...

'Cale has the backpack..'

"Thanks I guess, did we both forget to grab weapons from Cale?" He stared at me with a blank face as I mirrored his actions.

Cale 2.0 sighed and asked with a bored tone "Did you also get the scenario?"

"Hoh? Looks like your old ass brain could still function properly."


Kim Dokja's Pov

'What in the actual fuck are those two doing standing the fuck around?!'


Hallo! I am using my father's phone btw! Also,

Kim = 2
Barrow = 1

Hehe, Bye bye!

850 Words

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