“No, I’m fine,” Finn shook his head, sighing, leaning on the kitchen island, “You know? I think Zeth is under a lot of stress and he's not telling us something. You weren't there because you were with Jade, but he was a little demanding in the hotel restaurant. From now on, you and I will sing higher notes than ever. Zeth wants to exploit our full potential for the fifth album. But I think there is another reason behind that.”

"Oh Jesus, this last album was already too much!" Frank raised his bushy eyebrows, "Why would Zeth want to push the limits even further?"

"I think he wants you and me to shine brighter, and I think that's in case the trio that's sitting over there leaves," Finn eyed Draco, Kevin and Alex, then stared straight into Frank's eyes, "Zeth gave you many of Kevin’s high notes, and he gave me some of Draco’s parts. And Everett now has parts that were originally Alex's. And he want us to record the fifth album in two months like the previous one.”

"At least we will record it here in Lyonfort." Frank laughed and shook his head, "Don't stress, Finn. Remember that meeting during my date was before everything was resolved between the Dramatic Three. And if Zeth wants to record everything quickly, it's for a good reason, I guess. Look at it this way. With the fourth album complete, it will only take uploading the songs and that's it, there won't be as much complications as with the third album. With the fifth album complete before the next tour, we can relax a little, don't you think?"

"You're calm because you haven't seen Zeth's plans yet," Finn ran his hands over his face, "But you're right. At least we'll record the album here. Oh man! (SE)X Rated was a nightmare!” Finn really hated that album, not because of the songs, but because there were many delays, they rerecorded almost everything all over again to add Kevin and it took them a long time to complete it because they were on tour. Sometimes a concert would end and everyone would enter the mobile studio to record, deafened and with sore muscles from dancing so much.

"What will be the next song to come out of the fourth album?" Frank asked, leaning on the island.

"Animatronic," Finn replied, "And the next video will be Halloween Chick. We're going to film it, I think, in the morning.”

"It's going to be a long week," Frank laughed a little, "But we like challenges, huh buddy?"

“More or less. And the fifth album will be quite a challenge indeed!" Finn seemed to try not to breathe too fast, “Aren't you stressed knowing that we're going to get shoutier than before?"

"I think it's time to get out of our comfort zone, right?" Frank as always was thinking big, and although Finn had his doubts, he seemed to agree, "Hey, that coffee you made... Did you..."

“I know, very strong and with cinnamon, I took care of that," Finn replied, taking a silver cup from the cupboard, "And here's your cup." Frank and Finn's eyes met for a second, and the blonde looked surprised when Frank's cheeks reddened. “You okay?”

"Yeah, I... You know me well," Frank giggled. Then he took the coffee pot and poured himself some, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island, and Finn soon sat in front of him with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Hey, what do you think about that?" Frank pointed a thumb at Kevin, Alex, and Draco in the dining room. "Do you think it's all over now? What do you think of all the drama that Alex caused? Would you do such a drama if someone confesses their love for you?"

"Please, Frank. Who could be in love with me? Sometimes I still feel like the ugly duckling. I think Jade sees me as her gay best friend and Zeth? I don't even know if he's really interested in me," Finn said, taking a sip of his water, "Hey. Did Jade tell you about..."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now