DELETED SCENE #4: "Scovil (War Buddy)."

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AN: Scovil is a fallen war buddy that John Kreese mentions in Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 7.

(Vietnam War, 1968…)

George Turner was training his four students (John Kreese, Terry Silver, Paul Dugan and Ponytail) when another random soldier appeared in their training area. “Captain Turner, sir.” the soldier said, putting his hands behind his back. “Speak, soldier. You are interrupting my training session.” George Turner said, seriously. “I am here because I want to learn martial arts for the mission, sir.” the soldier said, getting the captain’s attention. “What’s your name?” George Turner asked, curiously. “Scovil, sir.” Scovil answered. George Turner scanned Scovil and decided to include him. “Get in the ring. Kreese, show him the ropes.” he ordered and they two soldiers obeyed. Both John Kreese and Scovil get into their own fighting stances and begin the match. John Kreese throws the first three punches, hitting Scovil in the face on the last one. Scovil brushes it off and throws his own punches and kicks. John Kreese blocks them all but doesn't react fast enough when Scovil catches his swinging arm, flips him over and punches him in the face. 

George Turner was impressed with Scovil’s skills and approached him. “Your skills are impressive, Scovil. As much as I would like for you to join our crew, I would prefer you to stay assigned to your original mission. When we return, I promise to help you train under Master Kim Sung-Yung and myself.” George Turner said. Scovil was disappointed but understood. Before he walked off, John Kreese and his friends went up to him. “You’re a good fighter, Scovil. We really hope you join the team soon.” John Kreese said, also giving his friends a chance to praise him before Scovil left the sparring area. “Alright you four. Get back to sparring. We leave first thing in the morning. When you’re done, make sure to get some rest.” George Turner ordered and his team obeyed.

COBRA KAI: The Way of the Fist (Prequel to "COBRA KAI: Clash of the Five Dojos")Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt