CHAPTER 24: "1985 PART 2 (TKK PART II 1986)."

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Daniel was near the walk bridge in the village trying to get the drum technique down. During his little practice, Kumiko walked up to him and asked how he was doing. Later in the conversation, Kumiko revealed that she wanted to be a dancer and showed Daniel some moves, which he did with her. The children nearby giggled at their performance. Suddenly, Daniel and Kumiko look over and see Chozen with his friends Taro and Toshio. “You dance very nice. Like geisha.” Chozen said, making fun of them. “Come on, Daniel-san, let’s go.” Kumiko said, grabbing Daniel’s arm and they try to leave but Chozen, Taro and Toshio run up to them. Chozen snatches the Miyagi drum from Daniel’s back pocket. “Hey. Give me the drum back.” Daniel said, calmly. “Oh, you mean the baby rattle? Why don’t baby come take it back?” Chozen asked, mockingly. 

Kumiko tries to take it from Chozen but he pushes her away and kicks Daniel so hard in the chest, making him fall to the ground. “Daniel-san! Are you okay?” she asked, worried. “You insult my honor again, and I kill you.” Chozen threatened before walking away with his friends. Kumiko stood up, grabbed a tomato from a nearby basket and threw it at Chozen, staining it. Chozen looks back at the angry Kumiko, then smirks, holding his shirt out to her. “You keep for your collection. I know you like it.” Chozen threw it on the ground and left, laughing. Kumiko rushed back to Daniel’s side and helped him up, also handing him the Miyagi-Do drum. “Are you okay, Daniel-san?” she asked. “Yeah, I’m okay.” Daniel said, holding his stomach. “He cheats these people and I’m insulting his honor. I don’t get it.” Daniel said. “He has no idea what honor is.” Kumiko replied. “Yeah, I kinda got that feeling.” Daniel said, holding his stomach even tighter. “Just try to avoid him, Daniel-san.” Kumiko said, grabbing the boy’s hand.


It was now the last day for Nariyoshi to mourn over his deceased father. “MIYAGI!!” Nariyoshi, Daniel and Kumiko heard from outside the Miyagi shrine. They walk out and see Chozen along with Taro and Toshio with garden hoes. “My uncle said, your three days mourning over! I have been sent to get you.” Chozen said, very seriously. “Tell uncle that I am farmer, not fighter.” Nariyoshi said. That pisses Chozen off and he and his friends destroy his crops. Daniel tried to step in but Nariyoshi stopped him. 

Sato was at his home, trying to karate chop a large piece of wood, but for some reason, he couldn’t chop his way through. “Sensei. A visitor here to see you.” Sato’s servant said. Sato turned around and saw that his visitor was Nariyoshi Miyagi. He went back to chopping the wood and Nariyoshi walked over to him. “That same wood we find together on beach that time?” Nariyoshi asked. “Same. What do you want?” Sato asked, taking another chop. “Come make peace between us.” Nariyoshi answered. “You forget, you betray me.” Sato growled, taking another chop. “I was only 18 years old.” Nariyoshi pointed out. “And responsible for own action!” Sato snarled. He decided to stop and turn his attention to his former best friend. “Must explain why I leave.” Nariyoshi said, trying to have Sato listen to his side of the story. “Fear is why you leave.” Sato shot back before turning around to leave. “What happened to you?” Nariyoshi asked. Sato turned around and looked at him. “I lost my friend. You confess love for Yukie and leave Miyagi-Do. Kim Sung-Yung dojo grow stronger and it is your fault.” Sato said, then walked away. Nariyoshi looked down, sad. This was one of the moments where he wished either his father or Han were here to help him in this situation. 


Daniel was relaxing at the Miyagi shrine uncle Chozen and his friends came out of nowhere and attacked him. Toshio and Taro hold Daniel down as Chozen goes into the Miyagi-Do dojo and destroys everything he saw. He came back out and taunted Daniel with the spear he was holding. He gave it to Daniel, disrespecting him and Nariyoshi. Daniel tried attacking him with the spear but Chozen deflects his attacks and wraps the spear around his neck. “Leave message!” Chozen ordered. Toshio and Taro started tearing up the place. “This your teacher’s fault. If you’re a man with honor, you live but it’s not.” Chozen said to Daniel. Toshio and Taro continued to destroy the place until finally, Nariyoshi showed up. “Enough! Uncle problem with Miyagi. Not with boy.” he told Chozen. “You have problem, old man. With me!” Chozen snarled. 

COBRA KAI: The Way of the Fist (Prequel to "COBRA KAI: Clash of the Five Dojos")Where stories live. Discover now