CHAPTER 9: "Mixing Styles."

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Nariyoshi, Sato and Han finally arrived in South Korea. They asked around for the Kim Sung-Yung dojo and nobody gave them an answer just yet. They decided to stop at an inn. The next day, they walked up to the roof of the Inn and decided to teach each other’s fighting styles. Nariyoshi and Sato will be learning Kung Fu and Han will be learning Miyagi-Do karate. 

Nariyoshi taught Han the “Wax On, Wax Off” techniques and the other skills he learned in his version of Miyagi-Do. After that whole hour, Sato taught Han the more aggressive version of Miyagi-Do karate by putting him in sparring matches. Han was doing pretty okay, considering he just learned Miyagi-Do for a whole hour. Han deflects Sato’s attacks and knocks him to the ground. He shows mercy and helps him up. Now it was Nariyoshi and Sato’s turn to learn Han’s Kung Fu.

“You are very good, Han-san. You learn pretty quickly.” Sato praised his new friend. “Thank you, Sato. Now it is your turn to learn my style of defense.” Han said, going into his fighting position. The two Miyagi-Dos went into their stances and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. Sato was the first to attack. Nariyoshi followed him right after but that didn’t stop Han from knocking them both down by blocking their attacks and sending a kick and punch. Han helped his friends up and they continued to spar. The two Miyagi-Dos learned quite a bit of Han’s Kung Fu and decided to call it a night once the sun went down. On the outside of the building, the window was big enough for George Turner to sneak on the sidewalk and look up to see Nariyoshi, Sato and Han. He became curious and saw as Han left the Inn and walked over to the market street next door. George Turner decided to follow his new enemy and try to put him out of commission for The Way of the Fist legacy to continue. 

COBRA KAI: The Way of the Fist (Prequel to "COBRA KAI: Clash of the Five Dojos")Where stories live. Discover now