CHAPTER 10: "Han vs. George Turner."

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Han stopped at a market booth and ordered some food. He sat at one of the tables, waiting for his food to come. Suddenly, George Turner stood in front of Han’s table. “Can I help you?” Han asked. “Yeah, you can. You can start by letting me destroy you, Miyagi-Do!” George Turner flips the table and starts attacking Han. The kung fu master luckily blocked all of George Turner’s punches and kicks, then eventually, sent his own. He flipped George Turner over on top of a table and broke it in the process. Han did not let down his guard when his enemy got back on his feet.  

George Turner was surprised with Han’s martial arts style but knew that it wasn’t Karate or Tang Soo-Do. “Who are you? And what style was that?” he asked. “Kung Fu. I wouldn’t use your Tang Soo-Do on me. You will be easily defeated.” Han said seriously but George Turner did listen and went to attack his enemy again. From the Inn window, Nariyoshi looked out and saw Han and George Turner fighting. He alerts Sato and the Miyagi-Dos rush down stairs and go to help their friend. George Turner swung his leg at Han’s head but his attempt failed as Han ducks below, sweeps his leg, knocking him off balance and onto the wet concrete floor and finishing him off with a punch to the face. “Han-san!” Nariyoshi and Sato yelled as they made it over to him and all three of them went into their fighting positions together. George Turner wipes the blood off of his nose and looks up at the trio. He slowly stood back up and chuckled evilly. “You might have some friends to ask for help but not as many as Master Kim Sung-Yung. The Way of the Fist will destroy you eventually and you’ll be outnumbered.” he told them. “You know what Miyagi think? I think you talk too much.” Nariyoshi growled. “Well then, enough talk. GET THEM!!!” George Turner said the last two words in korean. Suddenly, a whole gang of The Way of the Fist students appeared from the corner. The trio were shocked at how many there were but that didn’t stop them from getting ready for the battle.

COBRA KAI: The Way of the Fist (Prequel to "COBRA KAI: Clash of the Five Dojos")Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora