CHAPTER 4: "Tomi Village in Flames."

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The duo stand up, heavily breathing. “You are learning quick, Miyagi. Keep up and you maybe be good as I am.” Sato said, slightly impressed. They bow and leave the dojo for the day. While Sato went to his home, Nariyoshi met up with Yukie by the peer. Once she saw him, she rushed over and hugged him. “(Japanese) Nariyoshi-san. Are you okay? Sato-san told me about the fight with Kim Sung-Yung.” Yukie said, worried. “(Japanese) I’m fine, Yukie. But we don’t know if we’ll be fine for long. Kim Sung-Yung declared war against us and we need to prepare ourselves.” Nariyoshi replied. Yukie started to sob and hugged Nariyoshi tighter. The two shared a loving embrace until suddenly, an explosion went off. They jump and look toward the village and see a huge flame burst into the air, then try to get there as fast as they can.

Once there, they saw a huge army of masked men were destroying the village, causing a full on riot and hurting some of the villagers along the way. Nariyoshi turns back to Yukie. “Yukie. Go to Miyagi shrine with Father. I go find Sato.” Nariyoshi said in English. She was very hesitant but eventually sprinted for the Miyagi shrine. Nariyoshi stepped out from where he was hiding and tried running around to find Sato but got caught by one of the thugs. “STOP RIGHT THERE!!” The man yelled. Nariyoshi looked over and looked at the man that yelled at him. The man’s name was George Turner. He recognized Nariyoshi and ordered a few men to go and get him. 

Nariyoshi defeated a few of them but they still kept coming. It was now George Turner’s turn to attack. He finally made it to Nariyoshi and struck him in the jaw. Nariyoshi tried to punch him but George Turner caught it, twisted his wrist and kicked him to the ground. Nariyoshi was gasping for air as he felt a huge amount of pain in his lower rib cage. George Turner approached him and stepped on Nariyoshi’s chest, causing him even more pain.

COBRA KAI: The Way of the Fist (Prequel to "COBRA KAI: Clash of the Five Dojos")Where stories live. Discover now