DELETED SCENE #1: "George Turner recruits John Kreese."

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In 1965, a high school jock named David arrived at a local diner with his girlfriend, Betsy and his friend James. They sit down and wait for someone to hand them their drinks. The waiter hands them their drinks and Betsy smiles at him. “Thank you.” she says. The waiter was none other than a young John Kreese. He smiles back at Betsy and they make eye contact, then they both feel a spark within them. “What are you looking at, loser?” David asked, making John Kreese flee from the table. 

Suddenly, a marine showed up and gave a brochure to get into the army. After he left, David threw it to the ground. John Kreese picks it up and looks at the brochure, very interested. As he walks down the walkway, David sticks out his foot and trips John Kreese, making him fall down to the floor. Everyone except Betsy, laughed at him falling and John Kreese stood back up and walked away, feeling embarrassed. But in the background, the marine was watching the entire thing and knew exactly who to recruit for Master Kim Sung-Yung. The marine was George Turner himself.


At the end of John Kreese’s shift, he was taking the trash out and saw David roughly grabbing Betsy’s arm, with James watching the scene in front of him. “Don’t you ever let me catch you making eyes like that again! Do you understand me?!” David asked, all up in Betsy’s face. “Let go of me.” Besty said, before David slaps her in the face. “HEY!!” John Kreese yells getting both David and James’ attention. “Were you ever taught to keep your hands to yourself?” John Kreese said, stepping up to David with his fists balled up. “What are you going to do about it, freak?” David asked before shoving John Kreese in to James and the two started jumping him. He finally gets the upper hand and drops the two and twists David’s hand, grabbing his throat. “I’ve been fighting my whole life. I sure as hell ain’t scared of you.” John Kreese said before knocking David out. “Are you okay?” Betsy asked. “Yeah, I’ve had worse.” John Kreese responded with a smile.

Suddenly, they hear clapping coming off from the side and see George Turner. “Well son, I am impressed.” he said, with a smirk." He said. "Who are you?" John Kreese asked, putting Betsy between him and the marine. "Easy there, kid. I'm not going to hurt either one of you. I'm here to actually recruit you. With my help, you'll learn how to survive in the army using my master's teachings and learn the Way of the Fist. What do you say, kid? Wanna join the Marine corps?" George Turner asked, holding out his hand. John Kreese hesitated, looking back at Betsy, then back at George Turner. "Absolutely". John Kreese says, shaking the marine's hand.

(A Few Months Later…)

“I don't want you to leave. I don't know if my heart can take it.” Betsy said to her one true love. “It’s just basic training.” John Kreese said, trying to help her calm down. “You know what I mean. Promise me that you’ll come back to me.” Betsy said, starting to tear up. “I'll be back soon, doll face. I promise.” John Kreese said before kissing his girlfriend goodbye. He steps onto the bus and meets up with George Turner. He introduces him to his squad members: Terry Silver, Paul Dugan and Ponytail. The group makes it to the base and they immediately begin their basic training. 

George Turner started training his crew some of the things he learned for Master Kim Sung-Yung and they were learning pretty quickly. After a year of training, George Turner took his soldiers to Kim Sung-Yung’s temple to learn more of the Way of the Fist. They met their superior and could not wait to learn things from him. Little did they know, they were being prepared for an upcoming Karate War between them and the dojo of Miyagi-Do Karate. 

COBRA KAI: The Way of the Fist (Prequel to "COBRA KAI: Clash of the Five Dojos")Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora