CHAPTER 23: "1985 (TKK PART II 1986)."

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Daniel went into the boys locker rooms and dressed in his other clothes before leaving the building with Nariyoshi. The two made it to the truck but were stopped when they saw John Kreese arguing with Johnny. “That’s not fair! I got second place.” Johnny said. “Second place is no place! You’re off the team.” John Kreese said, pissed. “That sucks! I did my best!” Johnny protested. “What did you say?” John Kreese asked, getting closer to Johnny’s face. “I said I did my best!” Johnny shouted. “You’re nothing. You lost. You’re a loser!” John Kreese said, seriously. “No. You’re the loser, man.” Johnny shot back. John Kreese snatches Johnny’s second place trophy, breaks it, then throws it in the air. “Now who’s the loser?” John Kreese asked, in a mocking way. 

“You're really sick man.” Johnny said, trying to defend himself.  Suddenly, John Kreese grabs Johnny by his collar and puts him in a choke hold. Bobby and Tommy tried to stop him but John Kreese prevented them from doing so. Johnny couldn't breathe at all and thought this was the end for him until Nariyoshi stepped up. “Oi. Let him go.” Nariyoshi said. “Yeah, Mr. Miyagi’s right. Let him go!” Tommy said before getting back slapped by John Kreese. “I said let him go!” Nariyoshi said again, seriously. 

“Beat it, Nariyoshi. Or you’re next.” John Kreese threatened. Nariyoshi had enough of his old enemy’s BS, pulled him off of Johnny and pushed him away. John Kreese looked back at Nariyoshi, then put up his fists. He sends a left punch but Nariyoshi dodges it, making John Kreese’s fist break a car window. The Cobra Kai sensei looked at his bloody hand, then back at Nariyoshi, noticing the serious look on his face. John Kreese throws another punch with his right fist but Nariyoshi also dodges that one, making him hit another window. Both of John Kreese’s fists were covered in blood. Nariyoshi kicks the back of his enemy’s knee, making him kneel below him and grabs the back of his head by the hair. 

“Mercy is for the weak. We do not train to be merciful here. A man face you, he is enemy. Enemy deserve no mercy.” Nariyoshi said in a mocking matter, then pulled back his hand. Nariyoshi’s hand landed in front of John Kreese’s face and he did something nobody expected. He honks the Cobra Kai sensei’s nose and pushes him to the floor. 

Before Nariyoshi and Daniel leave, Johnny and the other Cobra Kai members stand in front of Nariyoshi. “Mr. Miyagi. I would like to start off by saying, I’m sorry for what we caused you and LaRusso. And thank you for saving my life.” Johnny and the now former Cobra Kais give a respectful bow to the Miyagi-Do sensei. After all of that, Nariyoshi and Daniel leave the parking lot to celebrate their victory.


Daniel arrived at Nariyoshi’s house, with the car completely broken down. Daniel ranted about his break up with Ali and while he was doing that, Nariyoshi fixed the car and brought Daniel to the back yard. He made him do breathing meditations to help him find his inner balance. After that, the mail man showed up and gave an envelope to Nariyoshi. He opens it and reads it through. Daniel looked at him and saw the surprised look that was written all over his sensei’s face. “Mr. Miyagi? What is it?” he asked. “Letter about father. He very sick. I have go back to Okinawa.” Nariyoshi said, still in shock. He walks back into his house and begins packing while Daniel leaves him to do that. 


Nariyohsi makes it to his gate and when he is entering it, he hears Daniel calling for him. Daniel refused to leave his best friend’s side and hopped on the flight to Okinawa with Nariyoshi. During the flight, Daniel was curious as to why Sato hated his sensei so much. Nariyoshi gladly explained that a year after the big fight between him, Sato and Han battling against Kim Sung-Yung, Sato got jealous that Yukie loved Nariyoshi and challenged him to a fight to the death. He didn’t want to do that so he fled. He hasn't been to Okinawa since. After a very LONG flight, the duo finally made it to Okinawa. On the way out, they see an advertisement about Sato owning his own dojo called, “Sato’s Karate Dojo”. 

COBRA KAI: The Way of the Fist (Prequel to "COBRA KAI: Clash of the Five Dojos")Where stories live. Discover now