If Jungkook doesn't want to do anything with him then Taehyung would understand and let him be . Afterall Jungkook's comfort matters to him more than his own feelings .

While he was busy beating himself up, someone slipped inside the garden and took the seat , right beside him.

"I was looking for you" Taehyung snapped his neck so hard he might get a sprain but now his mind couldn't process anything else but the sight of the younger boy sitting beside him .

"What....what are you doing here ?" Taehyung stuttered . Whatever he was thinking , he was certainly not expecting the younger to come to him.

"Cause I wanted to talk to you" Taehyung tilted his head as the other doesn't sounded angry or even scared ratger he sounded quite normal as if the older wasn't screaming at his face minutes ago ?

"But before that don't you have something , anything to say ?" Jungkook asked looking at the older who looked down at the ground feeling nothing but pure guilt .

"Jungkook , I'm sorry for earlier. I wasn't in my right mind . It was just that ....that wonwoo , he was looking at you weirdly and was standing too close to you and so I just became a bit protective and I know I shouldn't have lashed my anger out , on you but it just ...." Taehyungs ramble stopped when he felt a warm sensation on his hand that was placed on his lap ,

"Breathe hyung it's fine" Jungkook said in a gentle tone and Taehyung only then realized , he was so desperate to make Jungkook , understand his point that he quite literally forgot to breathe . And at the words of the younger he stopped rambling and lowered his head in embarrassment.

He only looked up when he felt a squeeze in his hands .

"Hyung it's okay . I understand. I was just... shocked you know , nothing much" he assured and continued "also you don't have to worry about wonwoo guy anymore . I.. may or may not have punched him in the face when he tried to touch me inappropriately" Jungkook finished biting his lips in nervousness not knowing what would be the other's reaction .

"You did that ?" Taehyung asked quite surprised with the news .

Jungkook nodded as the elder took a hold of his chin , making him look up . Jungkook waited nervously as Taehyung scanned his face until a proud grin broke into his face ,

"I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself" and all the worries he has vanished just like that as Jungkook too broke into the brightest smile hearing his words .

"I mean , I do have a black belt in taekwondo" Jungkook exclaimed after getting encouraged by the CEO whose grin even widened at the revelation.

"You do ?" Taehyung asked enthusiastically .

"Yes" Jungkook nodded his head up and down , making his hairs bounce with each bop and Taehyung has this irresistible urge to mess with them but will that be okay now that he has.....while he was busy thinking what would be right and wrong Jungkook quietly took his hand placed it on his head . And Taehyung melted right at that moment , ruffling the soft hairs of the younger fondly .

"Jungkook, aren't you scared of me ? I mean after the way I behaved..."

"No not anymore. Afterall you were just trying to protect me . Though at first I was a bit angry , yes but now I understand the reason why you did that" and Taehyung's heart soared at the reply . Honestly, he could kiss the younger right now but ofcourse that'd be too much for his resolution for self control.

After that it went back to how they were before , talking and laughing sitting there in the empty garden. Jungkook telling Taehyung how shocked wonwoo was after the punch , not at all expecting him to punch him . And if he exaggerated a little bit to hear the older's sweet giggle then no has to know that .
It was past 12 when they reached Taehyung's grandparent's house , after making sure everyone else has left. The house is dark and so is the surrounding . But unlike the outside both of them has the brightest of smiles in their face when they got out of the car .

Using the spare key Taehyung has , they got inside while still laughing about the way wonwoo was holding a ice pack on his swollen jaw when they came across to him .

Taehyung's grandparents are already asleep downstairs and so trying not to make any more sound both of them got up the stairs and stopped before their assigned rooms .

Jungkook turned around facing the older who has a faint smile lingering in his face reflecting his own .

"Thank you for understanding me and not abandoning like the others" For some reason Jungkooks heart squeezed at the words . His heart beating hard as he took a step towards the older and placed his hands on the man's chest where he could feel his heart that is beating like crazy rhyming with his own .

Taehyung's brain stopped working for a moment as Jungkook went on his tip-toes and placed a lingering kiss on his cheeks. His eyes closed automatically just to savour the moment a little better .

"Good night hyung" Jungkook whispered suddenly shy because about their close proximity , he was about to step back when taehyung gently took a hold of his chin and placed a kiss on his forehead

"Night Jungkookie"

And at that moment a realization sinks in as Taehyung realized his crush on the younger is blooming into something else , something so beautiful but so scary at once .

☆━━━☆ NOTE ☆━━━☆

How do you think Taehyung will cope up with his newly discovered feelings

Thank you for reading !!

Do share your thoughts in the comments


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