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Ellie's POV

New Year's - SATURDAY

"Ellie I'm bout to go you sure you and Nick don't want to tag along with the group?" CJ asked, peeking his head in my door. I was working damn near 7 days a week on homework because I was informed I was qualified to graduate high school early which would be in february. High School was fun and all but why not get the shit over with. I just had to keep my GPA at what it was and take the required test and I would be out of this shit by February. "Nah, I'm gonna finish up this work then Nick is supposed to come over." I said, causing him to say his goodbyes going on his way.

I finished up about 30 minutes later, and decided to freshen up before Nick got there. He asked me to be his girlfriend a few days after the choking incident. Only reason I said yes was because I really enjoyed my time with him, he knew what he wanted and didn't string me along like Jace, and also because he took accountability for his mistake. His reasoning was he didn't know his strength and allat bullshit. I decided not to hold that grudge though, playa's fuck up too.. I guess.

Before I knew it Nick was at the door. I jogged downstairs in my Victoria Secret PINK shorts onesie, with my oversized Grinch slippers CJ's dad got me for Christmas. I loved the Grinch so just wearing them overjoyed my heart. "Hey Princess." Nick said in a dry tone giving me the worst hug someone can give. "Hey.. You okay?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him tightly looking up at him. "Yeah, just a little annoyed but you'll make it better." He said, kissing my forehead.

We walked up to my room, closing the door behind us. He had a bag of snacks and two drinks for us to binge on throughout the night while we watched Christmas movies as if Christmas was still here and not over and done with. I lit up a few candles by the TV, and turned on the Christmas lights I had hung in the room for the holiday. We snuggled under the covers as we watched tv and would converse every other minute. I could see how Nick's mood slowly lightened as the time went by.

We were going to do the countdown and the new year's kiss of course. I was excited, yeah we weren't out partying but, this was going to be my first new years kiss. By this time it was 11:58 it was almost time. For some reason I felt a pit in my stomach and my anxiety was bad. What if we kiss too late will that be bad luck? I had hella questions. I didn't even know why it was such a big deal to kiss on New Years. I just knew it meant that person was special.

I pulled up the count down clock on my phone and noticed I had a message from Jace. We hadn't spoken since the night of the party. No shocker. If MIA was a person it'd be him. He thanked me and once he stopped throwing up that morning long enough to drive home he left. I opened the message still laying in Nick's arms, I didn't want to be secretive or give him a reason to not trust me.

Jace: Hey Ellie.. I didn't go out with the fam so I don't plan to be up at 12, So I just wanna wish you a Happy New Year's and I also got you something for christmas, just didn't know if you'd accept it. I hope you do though and I hope all is well.

I lightly smiled, I feel like Jace thought I hated him and that was far from the truth. I quickly texted back so I wouldn't miss the countdown.

Ellie: Hi Jace, Vice Versa ♥️

As soon as I slid out the message and went to look at the countdown time, Nick snatched my phone out of my hand throwing it at the door so hard it chipped the wood on the door. "What the-" I was cut off by Nick getting on top of me and squeezing his hands around my neck for the second time this month. "Bitch! Stop playin' with me. You gone sit there and text that man in front of me?" Nick said, pushing me deeper into the mattress as his grip got tighter. No way he's doing this shit again.

"N-Nick I.. C-cant Bre-" I said struggling to breathe, he didn't seem to care though. I looked up at him and saw a totally different person, this wasn't Nick. As soon as I noticed signs of him not letting up I reached for his face trying to crawl at it. When he noticed what I was doing he let up a little, but it seemed as if I made him more angry when doing so. He finally let me go when my vision started to blur. Once he let me go I took a big gasp of air and before I could take another breath. His fist met my face.

He started punching me left and right, I didn't even understand why he was so angry. I tried to cover my face as best as I could. It's like he blacked out. He wasn't saying shit just beating my ass. I knew I had to start fighting back. I started screaming and swinging back, barely any hits connecting considering he was on top of me. "Nick PLEASE STOP!" I screamed out.

Nobody was home but I'm hoping and praying someone would come soon. My mind was running 100 mph. I had never been in a predicament as such I was shook. I was no more in 120 and I'm laying under a 6'7 200 something pound man I was more then fucked. I decided to stop fighting and just cover my face.

No way I was getting my ass beat into the New Year.


After about a 10 Minute struggle he finally got off me leaving me there balled up and crying. I heard him slam the front door, as soon as I knew he was gone I jumped up and locked my bedroom door. This nigga just tried to cut my lights out felt like. I walked to my bathroom and studied my bloody and bruised face. It's now Sunday..This shit was going to look so much worse.

The first relationship I get in and this nigga beating my ass and we aint even been together a month, my fucking luck. The bruise around my neck was still there but had lightened up a lot, now that was going to be a mark again. My lip was swollen, my left eye was slightly swollen, not bruised yet thankfully maybe it wouldn't. My right eye was busted open underneath my eye as if he cut it with something. Lastly, my nose was leaking badly.

All this over me sending an innocent text back, I wonder what he would've done if what I was doing was worse. I spit in the sink tasting a small hit of blood in my mouth while I worked on stopping my nose from bleeding. I ran down stairs and grabbed an ice pack rushing back upstairs. Tears were running down my face uncontrollably, I wasn't even crying though. I laid underneath my covers leaving my now cracked phone on the ground by the door.

I held the ice to my swollen eye as I laid there and thought to myself. I felt so much embarrassment. This man just really beat my ass. I was always one of those people who said if I was in this type of predicament, I'd beat a nigga ass. But this nigga was bigger and stronger then me, It defini[tly was easier said then done for sure. I Laid there for hours until I heard CJ come in and then I knew I was safe and could fall asleep.


Good Afternoon Have a wonderful day!

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