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Nick's Pov

"I told you I want you Ellie. You feel disrespected, I feel disrespected. Let's go." I said, motioning for her to get in the car. I fucked with shorty and my people.. Well my mom really just did the utmost, and Crystal's pregnant ass was getting ignored for a bit. She's on punishment after that stunt. I don't know why shorty even teaming up with my mom she knows if she had the opportunity she'd get back with Jace.
"Nick. You don't have to-" Ellie started but I cut her completely off.

"Eleanor get in the car." I said in a stern tone. I was a bit annoyed by the shit they pulled. She didn't hesitate to get in the car. We drove to the movies in pure silence. I was stuck in my thoughts. I wonder if my mom gone cuss me out for leaving my baby moms behind for another girl. We pulled up at the movies, getting out . I reached out for Ellie's hand.
To my surprise she accepted my hand and I locked our fingers. "Say. I don't want you to think what just happened was your fault. My mom just feels like me and Crystal should be thinking about marriage and all of that since she's pregnant." I said opening up to her a little bit as we walked to the entrance of the movie theater.

"I understand, I'm not mad I just really got up cause I'm not going to be anywhere I'm not wanted." She said looking up at me she was so small compared to me, Crystal was on the taller side so it was a bit different for me. I was always with girls on the taller side.

I was going to take her to see the Barbie movie, but considering we were early to the movie we decided to go with the scary movie "Talk to me". "You like scary movies?" I asked her she shook her head no. She seemed so closed off. I had heard from Drew what happened with her and Jace and honestly I asked her out again and she finally agreed.
My plan was to get her to at least like me a little bit. We went to the snack bar and got a few things then made our way to the theater. The movie for the most part was pretty empty. There was a small group of girls at the bottom while a couple sat in the middle, Ellie and I decided that we would sit towards the top.

We took our seats and she put her legs in my lap once again she shocked me , I rested my hand on the lower leg caressing her leg on top of this long tight dress she had on. I was also use to the athletic tomboys never really fucked around with a girl who even owned a dress. She seemed to be a bit more comfortable after the whole incident. Maybe she trusted me a bit more.


After the movie we decided to instead of going out to eat, to get mcdonalds and have a little date in the car. It was all her idea though, I wanted to dine her out but she let me know she's a simple girl with simple needs.

"So besides the fuckery did you have a good day today?" I asked while sipping on my sweet tea. "Yeah. Not going to lie, I was hella down but now I feel a bit better." She said, nodding. That's good. All I wanted was her to feel a bit better than what she was displaying. "Say..I was thinkin'.." I said as I grew nervous, she turned and faced me giving me her undivided attention. "Nick ,you can't do that to me, you gone give me anxiety." She said while holding her chest.

I paused for a slight minute trying to decide whether or not I wanted to ask her what I wanted to ask her because I wasn't fond of being rejected. " You wanna go to the winter formal with me?" I asked, she widened her eyes as if she seen a ghost. "Nick.. I don't know I really wasn't planning on going." She said looking at me, I seen the hesitation in her expression so I pushed a little.

"Ellie come onnn, You know you want to. We'll have a good time I promise." I said looking her in her eyes sending her a smile. She rolled her eyes and couldn't help but to smile. "Fine fine what we wearing?" She asked with a small smile. "Whatever you want to wear, I'll match you." I said as I leaned over and kissed her pretty little head.

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