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Ellie's POV

It was the day of winter formal, a week after I had received the video of potentially the first person I grew to actually love. I decided to let Dee post the video. Although I knew my karma would beat my ass down. At the time I was angry and Dee was very convincing. She cropped Jace out of the video as much as she could per request of me. I don't know much of what happened on Crystal's side but Dee definitely got suspended for a week, they would've expelled her if Crystal went to the school. She tried to lie and say it was an accident but all in all they got her ass for it.

I felt bad because I wanted to tell the school that I was the reason why she even had the video but, Dee said she'd beat my ass if I did that because there was no point in us both getting into trouble.

Jace also voiced how mad he was at Dee and I, because we didn't have to expose her but truth be told I gave not a single fuck about how either one of them felt. Because when he laid down and had sex with her my respect for him flew out the window, now I thought he really broke it off with me because he wanted to sleep with her.

I sat at my vanity mirror after my shower starting on my hair. I had to keep in mind that everyone warned me that the winter formal was like a pre prom, you didn't want to completely put that shit on but you wanted to slightly step out. Alissa was in my bathroom getting ready in the bathroom mirror while Dee laid on my bed. Dee had decided since she wasn't allowed to go she would chill at the house because CJ's dad was out of town so he was throwing an after party at our house so she would set everything up.

"I don't know if I'm angry I can't go or happy because I didn't want to go in the first place but I want it to be my decision." Dee said, watching as I moved on from my hair and to my makeup. "Like what if y'all just sneak me in?" She said continuously talking without a response. Me and Alissa paused and just looked at her. "Take your meds immediately." Alissa said going back to her make up. Nick and I had been texting all day, him and Drew were going to pick us up and we were going to take our little photos then be on our way.

I lotioned up my body before sliding on my long red gown. I don't know what Nick was putting together but he knew about the red I was wearing. I slipped on my heels putting the last finishing touches. "Oooo bitch you look good, I see you backkkk." Alissa said coming out of the now closet with her dress on and shoes in hand.

"Oh bitch you look goodt

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"Oh bitch you look goodt." I said looking her up and down.

" I said looking her up and down

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