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Ellie's POV


"JACE PASS HIM THE BALL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Coach Ike yelled while I straightened up behind the chairs the players were seated in. I should've waited to tell Jace what happened cause he was now purposely throwing the game because of the feud with Nick. I looked at coach he looked as if he was about to have a brain aneurysm fucking with Jace.

"Mane Time out!" All three coaches yelled but only coach Ike yelled the "mane". One thing I noticed about the coaching staff was it was like they're brains moved in sync. I grabbed the water and the towels hurriedly handing them out to Nick, CJ, Musa, Phil, then Jace. As I handed it to Jace I leaned over and whispered to him. "Jace. Stop." I said in a stern but soft whisper.

He looked at me as if he thought "Whatever." Hell he was acting as if he was mad with me also and  didn't even do anything. "Jace so help me Jesus handle that shit y'all got going on OFF THE COURT OR YOUR GETTING BENCHED." He yelled and as loud as the bleachers were at least the first few rows heard.

"Coach, it's not even me. Its H-" Nick was quickly cut off. "Nick I don't give a mother fucking fuck! Stop being selfish!" He said obviously angered and annoyed. I had never heard the coach cuss at them so harshly but then again I've only recently started. But, everyone knows once the coach starts using the F word they mad as shit.

They both just nodded as everyone stood up and held their fist up, including Alissa at the score table, and Dee up in the bleachers with the camera. "Family on 3 Family on me!" Phil said loud enough for Alissa and Dee to hear. "FAMILY!" Everyone yelled in sync. I hurried off the court getting everything in order as the game resumed.

Jace dragged his feet back to his position. No way he this Sick about this nigga kissing me and he done felt on my pumpum. As the game resumed it seemed as if coaches' ultimatum stuck with Jace and he started being a team player. The score soon went from us being down 15 to us being up 4 points and this is when the game gets intense. The boys started playing as if they were hungry and hadn't eaten a meal in months.

But the other team seemed just as starved as them. As the game came to an end we ended up losing to a boy shooting a half court 3. They lost by one point. The boys seemed upset, but at least coach didn't. In the end they came together and had a good team effort, which is all coach seemed to want.


As we gathered our things to leave the other team came out and started to say little slick shit. I just hoped that these niggas could ignore them cause these niggas won off pure luck. As Nick bent down to grab his bag , the other team was halfway out the door. This nigga from the other team threw his shoulder into Nicks. Nick automatically snapped pushing the boy onto the gym floor and stood over him. "Nigga stop playing with me like I'm pussy." He said sternly. I know this boy did not just say nigga Imma let it slide though cause maybe he needed to let dude know he serious.

Then all of a sudden another one of dudes teammates comes in and socks Nick in the mouth. I jumped because were did this nigga come from. As soon as Nick started fighting Jace was the first to run up after. And that was the start to a riot. There was one other game going on beside us, and instead of paying attention to the game everyone was tuned into the drama that was taking place behind the curtain that divided the courts.

Once I saw their girl manager jump in and hit CJ I dropped my sit and ran up, then once I ran up Alissa and Dee followed. I don't condone jumping but bitch don't ever try to insert yourself in Nigga beef. To be fair though Dee didn't jump her Dee posted up with a Nigga of her size and beat his ass to.

Before we knew it, cops were pulling up and security was trying to beat up one of the biggest brawls I've ever seen on the court. A couple of boys from both teams were leakin'. It seemed like we were always trying to fight or fighting. Once everyone dispersed the whole tournament was paused while they figured out what went down and what were the consequences to be given.


1:00 PM

"Coach is pissed. He is ready to press charges." Phil said as he iced his fist. We all sat in the lobby of the hotel discussing what happened. The other team was disqualified since they more so started the problem while we attempted to ignore. While we were just disqualified for the day. So that meant we could play the last game tomorrow which automatically puts us in second or third place. "Mane they started that shit for sure. Like nigga take your dub and move the fuck around." Royale said as if was still irritated. He had a black eye and was highly upset about it.

Everyone was injured in some way but the other team I believe had it worse.

Drew had a scratch across his neck, which could've been from Alissa but it looked fresh so I doubted it.

Phil's fist was swollen as if he jammed his whole hand.

Musa's Nose wouldn't stop bleeding completely, which his dad was threatening to take him to the ER about but it had slowed down a lot since then.

CJ's ribs were bruised up as if a horse kicked him or something, and his lip was swollen.

Jace's leg was fucked up, he said somebody fell on it so his ass was limping.

Nick's bottom lip was as big as a house and he was also bruised up pretty badly sort of like CJ.

Alissa had a huge chunk of her hair snatched out but her hair was thick so you couldn't even tell.

I had 4 long scratches that went from under my eye to my neck. Cause the non fighting bitch tried to scratch my damn eye out.

Dee on the other hand was fine. This bitch was driving the nigga she was fighting int circles like she just was having a ball.

"Jace. I know we ain't the best of homies right now but you def had my back the quickest. I fuck with you for that and hopefully we can fix our little shit soon." Nick said, holding his hand out to Jace to shake it.

"Hug! Hug! Hug!" Dee chanted causing everyone to laugh.

"Nah it don't get that good." Jace said dryly, shaking his hand. Everyone cheered as they shook hands because that was a step closer to their beef being dropped or atleast pushed to the side. The front desk lady looked at us as a sign to shut the fuck up.

"Mane y'all we don't have a game tonight let's have a game night?" Dee suggested with the biggest smile as she hopped up. "Girl sit your hyper ass down, how don't you have a mark from the brawl?" Phil looked at her confused. She laughed and shrugged. "I got brothers."

Everyone nodded as that explained a lot.

"What about truth or dare?" Alissa said with a smirk rubbing her hands together. This freaky ass hoe might dare me to eat a dick tonight I don't even know if I wanna agree to that shit. Before I could complete my thoughts everyone was agreeing. "Party in our room, I got the Adhd and the Antidepressants might not turn you up but it will turn you down." Dee said as she got sturdy causing everyone to laugh.

"I think your doctor needs to up your dosage." CJ said, looking at her with concern in his eyes.

We all sat in the lobby for an hour longer before we headed to our rooms to get ready for the "party". I just knew in my heart there was about to be some bullshit or something that shouldn't happen.


Good Morning I'm running off 4 hours of sleep. Good luck to meeee. And btw this is the calm before the storm muahhh.

Everyone Loves Jace CarsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora