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Ellie's POV

The whole night I really couldn't enjoy myself, I was worried about all the people that filled the house, if they would break things I didn't want CJ's dad upset with us, then the conversation I just had with Jace replayed over and over, then lastly what Nick had just did to me... I wanted to happen again.

"Ellie. I know you not fucking with Jace but I need help." Drew said coming up behind me with Alissa trailing behind him. "What happened?" I said going into a more deep worry then I already was. It's like my anxiety was through the roof. My hands were shaky and it felt my my heart rate was in the high hundreds. I needed a quick chill pill but I don't think that's what I was going to get anytime soon.

Drew lead me to the downstairs bathroom where a seemingly sleep Jace laid. I closed the door behind me, Drew, Alissa, and I stood around him as if someone just murdered him. "What the fuck happened?" I asked bending down to his aid, checking his pulse to make sure he was breathing because it seemed otherwise. "I don't know. One minute he was just dancing and drinking alone and next he was behind the couch like this. We pulled him in here." Drew said, I felt his pulse it was normal just very weak.

"How much was he drinking?" I asked causing Drew and Alissa to shrug. I didn't know if I should call the ambulance or just try to get him to a room and nurse him. I nudged him a bit to see if he'd wake up and he showed a small sign of consciousness. I soon regretted doing that though because as soon as I did a small sign became and large, warm , mess.

I froze. I had to quickly remember this man is probably suffering from alcohol poisoning and he cannot help what just happened. I was covered in his puke and so was he. "Oh God." Alissa said turning away, she was the type to get nauseous at even the sound of someone throwing up.

I got up went to the sink and washed my hands, and just thanked god he puked straight liquid. "Okay um, I guess.. we can help you get him over your shoulder and you can take him to my room and I'll watch him throughout the night." I said looking at Drew, I felt like it was going to be a strong no because Jace had fluids literally on him.

"Yeah I got him." Alissa refused to touch him with the vomit so it was a two man job, we eventually got him over his shoulder and walked him up stairs. "What are you doing?" Nick said grabbing my arm as Drew and Alissa continued their way to my room. "Jace is sick . I'm just going to make sure he's alright for the night." Nick raised his eyebrows at me. "In your room?" He said bagging me up against the wall around the corner from the stairs. "Well yea-" I said but was quickly cut off by Nick gripping my neck tightly.

It wasn't like a sexual choke but like a very aggressive one he was damn near cutting off my airway. "Ellie. stop fucking playing with me." He said staring down at me with a look I've never seen on him before. "Huh?" I said truly confused tugging on his wrist to let him know I'd like him to unhand me.

He pushed my back by my neck once more before letting me go and simply just walking away. Well that was a bit aggressive what the fuck. I thought to myself rubbing on my neck. I made my way to my room looking back one more as I saw Nick make his way to the front door.

Drew and I got Jace undressed and gave me a quick wash off so he didn't smell of stomach acid finally laying him in the bed. I took his pants throwing them in the washed and coming back. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with Nick but my whole neck was sore as fuck. After getting him settled, Alissa and Drew made their way back to the party, I got my ass in the shower because yeah.

Once I got out I got dressed and sat at the end of the bed. My neck seemed to show signs of an early bruise , he choked me so hard it was kind of hard to swallow. I just tried to push it to the back of my mind though because I just like to think he didn't know his strength. It hit my mind that he might be sick when he woke up so I grabbed my trash bin out the bathroom and sat it next to the bed. I jogged down stairs and through the crowd of people grabbing a bottle of water making my way back to the room.

I sat a bottle of ibuprofen next the water bottle on the night stand. I really hoped he ain't wake up puking.

Jace's POV

"What the fuck." I said sitting up looking around the dim room. I looked at my feet and saw Ellie sleeping from it looked like uncomfortably. As soon as I went to get up I automatically felt sick, I ran to her bathroom and puked what felt like my brains out.

I felt horrible, like a truck hit me and I flew across the map just to get hit again. "Your finally up I was worried." Ellie said walking to the door way rubbing her eyes. She looked like she didn't sleep a wink forreal. I hated that I scared her but I Lowkey felt good knowing she cared though. I got up rising my mouth out. I needed a good shower and a good tooth brush though. How I was going to drive home. I do not know.

Ellie walked back to her room sitting on her bed as she read something on her phone that looked like she was upset yet happy. I examined her like always she looked so beautiful even when she was sleep deprived. I looked at her neck, it was a large bruise as if someone choked her.

"What's on your neck?" I asked sitting on the bed next to her tilting her chin getting a better look. "Oh nothing you know I like em a little aggressive." She said not even making eye contact. "Nah I don't know shit because we didn't really do much." I said, either she was lying or she done let this nigga Nick talk her into giving up the pussy and if he did that I can't even hate no more cause that'd be a smooth ass criminal.

Goodmorning Type shit. Imma do better this week bookies 💋

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