Mulai dari awal

I looked back and she had her head leaning in the window with her eyes shut. Maybe she is just exhausted from this morning. I remember how Marcello used to be after he would come down off of a high. He was always so exhausted, they are siblings after all.

We finally pulled into the parking lot of the Zoo.

"Wake up everyone" I said loudly.

A few groans were heard but soon everyone's seatbelts were unlclicked.

"Everybody have your trackers on you?" I asked a little less loud.

After Ari was taken everyone including Luca was giving a piece of jewelry that doubles as a tracker when we were little.

Everyone nodded except for Ari. She just looked back at me confused. I pulled out a small black jewelry box and passed it down to her.

"Do not ever take it off okay? That's how we will find you even if you don't have your phone on you. All of your trackers report to our system at the house in an encrypted file." I said smiling softly at her.

She smiled back as she put on the simple diamond necklace.

"Thank you Enzo it's gorgeous" she said smiling softly

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Thank you Enzo it's gorgeous" she said smiling softly.

"Of course Princess if I'm gonna track you I'll at least make it pretty." I said laughing slight.

"I'm also having a ring made for you as a back up" I said a little more serious.

She nodded and with that we all filtered out of the SUV.

The Zoo was typically pretty busy but I had called ahead and rented the zoo out for 2 hours to ensure Ari didn't get overwhelmed and for protection of course.

We got into the zoo after getting our wrist bands. "Where to first?" I asked looking back.

Don't get me wrong I was so excited for the Zoo but my anxiety was through the roof

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Don't get me wrong I was so excited for the Zoo but my anxiety was through the roof. I felt I was being watched.

"Do they have sea creatures here?" I ask softly not sure if that was a dumb question or not.

Our ObsessionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang