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Sana's POV

Sana sat in the comfortable office of her psychologist, Dr. Wendy, for what would be her last appointment. It's been a year, and she has been working through the deep-seated emotional wounds caused by the loss of her parents when she was young and how it affected her relationships.

Dr. Wendy greeted Sana with a warm smile. "Sana, it's been quite a journey exploring the impact of your past traumas on your present relationships. How are you feeling today?"

Sana took a deep breath, reflecting on her emotions. "I feel a lot more at peace with my past, Dr. Wendy. I've learned to understand how it has influenced my relationships and how to navigate those challenges. I'm grateful for your help."

Dr. Wendy nodded. "I'm glad to hear that, Sana. It's been an honor to be a part of your healing process. Do you have any thoughts or concerns as we wrap up our sessions today?"

Sana hesitated for a moment, then spoke earnestly. "I'm worried about maintaining this progress and maintaining healthy relationships. I don't want my past to hold me back anymore."

Dr. Wendy offered her reassurance. "You've gained insight and coping skills that will serve you well in the future, Sana. It's normal to have moments of doubt, but you are strong and resilient. Remember, I'm here for support if you ever need to return for more sessions."

Sana nodded, taking in Dr. Wendy's words. "Thank you for helping me heal, Dr. Wendy."

Dr. Wendy smiled. "It's been my privilege to support you on this journey, Sana. I believe in your capacity to have fulfilling relationships and live a meaningful life. If you ever need guidance or a listening ear in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. Go and get your girl,"

Sana's eyes lit up with a smile at Dr. Wendy's words. "Thank you, Dr. Wendy. I will."

"So, when are you leaving Japan?" Dr. Wendy asked as she led Sana to the door.

Sana paused, considering her plans. "I'll be flying back to Korea tomorrow. Can't stay here any longer. I really wanna see Tzuyu."

Dr. Wendy nodded in understanding. "That sounds like a wonderful plan, Sana. Take care and remember the progress you've made."

Sana smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Dr. Wendy. I appreciate everything you've done for me. I'll keep your advice in mind." With that, she left the psychologist's office, her heart full of anticipation to see Tzuyu again.

As Sana was driving back to her house, her phone began to ring. She glanced at the screen to see the caller ID before answering. "Hello?" she greeted, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Sana-yah! When are you coming back to Korea? It's my birthday on the weekend you know." Jenny said on the other line.

Sana's eyes lit up with excitement. "Jenny! I'm coming back to Korea tomorrow. I wouldn't miss your birthday for anything. We'll celebrate it together, promise!" Sana replied, her tone enthusiastic. Over the years her friendship with Jenny became closer especially when the time I was in therapy. 

"As you should, girl! I can't wait to see you. It's going to be a fantastic celebration. And I've got a little surprise planned for you. You'll love it!" Jenny responded with a hint of mystery in her voice.

Sana chuckled. "It's your birthday and I'm the one getting a surprise?"

Jenny's laughter rang through the phone. "Well, I've learned from the best, haven't I? You're the master of surprises, Sana. But this one is just a small token of appreciation for you making it back in time for my birthday."

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