Twenty Two

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Tzuyu's POV

"Hey Chae, are you busy?" Tzuyu asked through the phone.

"Kinda. I still have a meeting in an hour. Why? What's up?" Chae answered.

"Nothing. I was just gonna invite you to the art exhibit. But it's okay I'll go alone." I said.

"Okay. Be careful. I'll call you later." Chae said and dropped the call.

I had always been a fan of art, and when I heard about the new exhibit at the local museum, I knew had to see it. As I made my way through the different galleries, admiring the works of various artists, I found myself drawn to a particular painting.

It was a portrait of a woman, done in bold, bright strokes that seemed to capture her essence in a way that was both powerful and haunting. I stood in front of the painting, lost in thought when heard I a voice beside me.

"That's a beautiful painting, isn't it?"

I turned to see a young woman with long black hair and deep brown eyes, who was also admiring the portrait.

"Yes, it is," Tzuyu replied. "It's like the artist captured the soul of the woman on the canvas."

"I know," the woman agreed. "It's like you can feel her emotions and her pain, all at once."

Tzuyu smiled. "I'm Tzuyu, by the way."

The woman returned the smile. "I'm Mina. Nice to meet you."

Tzuyu looks around. "You alone?" She asked.

"Yes. You too?" Said, Mina.

Tzuyu just nodded and smiled. "Hmm. Can we go around together?"

"Why not?" Said Mina and grabbed Tzuyu's hand. Tzuyu was surprised by the contact but didn't complain at all.

Tzuyu and Mina had been wandering around the art gallery for hours, admiring the various paintings and sculptures on display. Loved to take their time appreciating the intricate details and nuances of each piece.

As they turned a corner, they stumbled upon a stunning painting that immediately caught their attention. It was a large canvas, filled with vibrant colors and intricate brushstrokes that seemed to dance across the canvas.

Tzuyu couldn't help but let out a soft gasp as she approached the painting. "Wow," she whispered, "this is breathtaking."

Mina nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on the painting. "It's incredible," she said. "The colors are so vibrant, and the brushstrokes are so fluid. It's like the painting is alive."

"I will buy this art if it is for sale," Mina said firmly.

"Hey! I saw this first!" Tzuyu argued and Mina laughed. There was something about Mina's laughter that made Tzuyu feel like she had known the girl forever. Tzuyu felt a strange sensation in her chest. It was like a memory from a past life, a feeling of familiarity that she couldn't figure out yet. But she brushed it off, for now.

They continued to talk, discussing the different aspects of the painting and what it meant to each of them. They talked about their favorite artists, their favorite galleries, and the different art forms that spoke to them.

As they made their way through the exhibit, Tzuyu found that she was enjoying Mina's company more and more. She was easy to talk to and had a way of looking at the art that was both analytical and emotional.

When they reached the end of the exhibit, Tzuyu felt a pang of disappointment. She wasn't ready to say goodbye to Mina yet.

"Do you want to grab a coffee?" she asked, hoping that Mina would say yes.

Mina's face lit up. "I'd love to."

They made their way to the museum café, still talking about the painting they had both admired. As they sat down with their drinks, Tzuyu felt a sense of excitement. She had met someone who shared her passion for art, someone she could talk to for hours without getting bored.

"Tzuyu," Mina said, "I have to ask you something. Are you like this with strangers too?"

Tzuyu looked at Mina, a little confused by the question. "Like what?" she asked.

"Like, so open and friendly and easy to talk to. You make people feel so comfortable around you, even people you've just met."

Tzuyu smiled, feeling a little flattered by Mina's words. "I guess I just like making people feel at ease," she said. "I know how awkward it can be to meet someone new, so I try to be as welcoming as possible."

Mina nodded thoughtfully. "It's just so amazing to me," she said. "I've always struggled with meeting new people and making friends, but you seem to do it effortlessly."

Tzuyu shrugged. "It's not always easy," she admitted. "But I think the key is just being genuine and open-minded. If you approach people with kindness and curiosity, they'll usually respond in kind."

Mina smiled, looking at Tzuyu with admiration. "You're such an amazing person, Tzuyu," she said. "I feel lucky to know you."

Tzuyu felt a warm glow in her chest at Mina's words. 

"Mina," she said, leaning forward, "tell me more about yourself. What are some of your favorite things?"

Mina smiled, looking at Tzuyu with a mix of amusement and fondness. "Oh, where do I even begin?" she said. "I love reading, for one. I could spend hours lost in a good book."

Tzuyu nodded, feeling a sense of kinship with Mina. "Me too," she said. "What kind of books do you like?"

Mina shrugged. "All kinds, really," she said. "Fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, you name it. I just love getting lost in a good story."

Tzuyu nodded thoughtfully. "What about movies?" she asked. "Do you like those too?"

Mina grinned. "Of course," she said. "I'm a big fan of anything with a good plot and strong characters. I especially love horror movies, even though they scare me to death."

Tzuyu chuckled, feeling a little more at ease around Mina as they talked. There was something about the girl's openness and honesty that made her feel like they could talk about anything.

As they sipped their coffee and chatted about their favorite things, Tzuyu felt a sense of warmth and contentment that she had never experienced before. 

When it was time to leave, Tzuyu didn't want to say goodbye. She wanted to see Mina again, to continue their conversation about art and everything else.

"Can we exchange numbers?" she asked, feeling a little shy.

Mina nodded, and they exchanged contact information. Tzuyu felt a flutter of excitement in her chest as she realized that this could be the start of something special.

"I had such a great time, Tzuyu," Mina said, giving her friend a quick hug. "Thank you for making today so fun."

Tzuyu smiled, feeling a sense of joy and fulfillment that she had never experienced before. "Anytime, Mina," she said. "I'm just glad we could hang out."

As they parted ways, Tzuyu felt a mix of emotions that she didn't know yet if it was good or bad.

With a spring in her step, Tzuyu drove back to her house, feeling a sense of renewed energy and purpose. She knew that she had found a kindred spirit in Mina and that their friendship was only beginning to bloom.

As she settled into her cozy room, Tzuyu couldn't help but smile as she thought about the girl who had captured her heart. 

Anything For You (Satzu/Mitzu)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن