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Tzuyu's POV

It's been a week since Tzuyu and Mina met. Tzuyu sat at her desk, tapping her pen against the notebook in front of her. She had been thinking for hours about how to ask Mina to go out or just to grab coffee with her. Tzuyu was always nervous about coming off too strong.

She had already drafted a text message a dozen times, only to delete it every time. She didn't want to sound too pushy or desperate, but she also didn't want to be too casual and risk coming off as uninterested.

Tzuyu was lost in thought when her phone buzzed. It was a message from Mina. She panicked and got startled. "Hey Tzuyu, how's it going? Do you still remember me?" the message read.

Tzuyu laughed and felt shy, she took a deep breath and decided to just go for it and dialed Mina's number, luckily she answered quickly. "Silly! Of course Mina, it's doing pretty well. I was actually wondering if you wanted to grab coffee sometime this week? It's been a while since we caught up."

And immediately regretted it. What if Mina thought she was being too forward? What if she was busy and couldn't meet up? Tzuyu's anxiety began to spiral.

But then, to her relief, Mina responded quickly. "That sounds great, Tzuyu! I would love to catch up over coffee. How about now?"

Tzuyu smiled and let out a sigh of relief. She had been worried for nothing. "That works for me, Mina. I'll meet you at the café on Main Street in 30 minutes?"

"Sounds like a plan to me. I'll see you in a while." Mina said and hung up the phone. 

Tzuyu had been looking forward to her afternoon with Mina all week. As she walked into the coffee shop, the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled her senses. The place was cozy and inviting, with wooden tables and chairs scattered around, and a large window that let in plenty of natural light.

Mina scanned the room for Tzuyu and soon spotted her sitting at a table near the window. She walked over and greeted her friend with a hug.

"Hey, Tzuyu, it's good to see you," Mina said with a smile and hugged her.

"It's good to see you too, Mina," Tzuyu replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

They sat down and ordered their drinks. Mina got her usual latte, while Tzuyu opted for a cappuccino.

"So how are you? I thought you forgot about me and will never see me again." Mina said sulking. Such a cutie.

Tzuyu looked at Mina with surprise and laughed. "What are you talking about, Mina? Why would I forget about you? That will never happen." Tzuyu smile.

Mina sighed. "I know we're not really friends yet, Tzuyu. But you took five days to call me and invite me out for coffee. I thought maybe you were too busy or didn't want to hang out with me anymore."

Tzuyu shook her head and wanted to laugh because Mina was so adorable but opted not to. "Mina, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you or didn't want to hang out. I was actually just really busy with work and didn't have a chance to call you sooner. But I definitely didn't forget about you, and I really wanted to see you."

Mina looked down at her feet, feeling a little embarrassed. "I guess I was just overthinking things like I always do."

Tzuyu couldn't help but find Mina's admission cute. "You are." She said smiling.

As they sipped their coffee, Tzuyu asked Mina what she did for a living for a start.

"I actually own a dance studio," Mina replied with a smile. "I've been dancing since I was a little girl, and it's always been my passion. Opening my own studio has been a dream come true."

Anything For You (Satzu/Mitzu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora