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Sana's POV

"Do you want me to go there?" Tzuyu asked over the phone. The supposed to be three days of staying here turned into seven days.

"No need, Tzu. I'll be there anytime soon. Please just let me stay a little longer." I said. But the truth is I still haven't booked my flight back yet. I don't know what's happening to me. After I saw her, my ex. It's like I'm back to square one. Back being miserable again. I sigh.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I just miss you. Take your time, love." She said. Tzuyu always understands me.

"Okay, I need to go, Tzu. Bye!" I said and ended the call not even letting her talk back. I sigh. Seriously, what's happening to me? I'm pulling my hair because of frustration. Argh!! I walked out of my room and went to the garden to breathe the fresh air. I saw the swing that my Daddy made for me. I didn't know that it is well maintained, it still looks the same as when I was a kid. I smiled and walked towards it and sat down. I lean on the chain and close my eyes as I try to remember the memories I have of my parents. I miss them so much.

"Time passed so fast." Someone said. I opened my eyes and looked at my grandfather standing in front of me smiling. He walks towards the other swing and sits.

"I remember the time when you were still a kid. You used to play here with your parents. You looked so happy." He said. Looking at the blue sky smiling.

" You have grown to be a wonderful lady, sweetheart. Your parents must be very proud of what you've become. That is doing what makes you happy." He added. I look down. Am I really happy? I asked myself.

"But now you look so bothered." He said and looked at me. I bitterly smiled and nodded. "What happened?" He asked.

"I'm just not so sure about myself anymore, Paps. I thought I had overcome this but I didn't and feels heavier now." I said and sighed. I can't look at him I will surely cry. He pats my back.

"Every problem has a solution, my child. What you are going through right now will all make sense in time. All you need to do is keep moving forward. Don't let today be the same as yesterday. Be better and rest your troubled heart. Everything is going to be alright." He said and I looked at him smiling.

"Thank you for always being there for me, Paps. I know I'm still a pain in the ass sometimes but you and Mama never get tired of loving me. I love you both." I said and went to him for a hug.

"Let's go. Your Mama cooked your favorite cheesecake." I smiled at what I heard and nodded. We walk inside still hugging him sideways.

"Momoring, I'm on my way to pick you up. Get ready. We are going out. Bye!" I said over the phone. I never let her talk. I'm already in Korea and I just got home. Tzuyu is not here yet she is still in the office. She didn't know that I was there already.

I honk as I arrive at my house and wait for Momo in the car.

"Why are you here?" She said looking confused.
"Just get in," I said and opened the door for her from inside.

"Where are we going?" She asks and puts her seat belt on.

"I don't know. I just want to get a drink." I said and started to drive.

"Why did you come back so late? Did you meet her already?" Momo asks while putting on lipstick.

"Who?" I said. I'm not just sure who she meant. Is it my Ex?

"Tzuyu of course! Who else?" She asked in disbelief.

"Oh," I utter. To be honest my ex didn't leave my mind since that night. I'm so fucked up right now. That's why I want to drink and forget about her for a while. Or really can I?

"Do you have someone else in mind, Sana-ya?" Momo asks and looks angry.

"Yes. I mean no. N-No. No one." I said stuttering.

"I know you so well, Sana. You can't hide anything from me. Is it your ex?" Momo asks and caresses my arms. Looks concerned.

"Let's not talk about it. Let's go. We are here." I said and stopped the car at the parking. Momo just shakes her head.

"Can we have one bottle of bourbon?" I said to the waiter and he made an 'okay sign'. We are in the bar. Looks cozy and relaxing. Thank God.

"What? Are you trying to get drunk? It's just 6 in the evening, Sana. Oh my gosh." Momo said and massaged her temple. I giggled.

"Relax Momoring. You don't need to drink if you don't want to. I just wanted you here with me." I said and poured the alcohol into both of our glasses. She sighed.

"Okay. But take it slow the night is still young." Momo said.

"And so are we. Cheers!" I said and we made a toast.

Our bottle is almost finished. "I will order one more," I said. I'm drunk right now.

"Enough Sana. You had enough already." Momo said. She is still pretty normal because I only poured her three times until now. I'm the one who finished the bottle.

"No! I want more!" I whine at Momo.

"Let's go home, Sana." Someone said and I was startled because she was behind me. I looked at her I was surprised and stood to hug her but I was out of balance I felt dizzy. Luckily, she caught me before the floor would.

"Tzuyu-ah! I missed you!" I said to her as she helped me to stand.

"I missed you too. You're drunk let's go home." She said and I just nodded. We walk out of the bar guiding me not to fall. I can't even walk properly.

"How did you know that we are here?" I asked swaying my body. I just can't stand straight.

"Momo unnie messaged me." She said and kissed my temple.

"Why did you drink too much?" Tzuyu asked as we reached the car, she carried me to sit and put on my seat belt. I didn't answer and just closed my eyes to avoid her question or questions maybe. I pretend to sleep. She closed the door and went to the other side. 

"What happened to Sana, Momo unnie? Why did she get drunk? And she didn't inform me that she's already here." I heard Tzuyu ask Momo and start driving. She sighs.

"I don't know, Tzu. She just came into our house and told me that we were going out. I didn't know that she would drink too much too." Momo said.

"I just hope she would tell me what bothers her. She had been kinda aloof for the past days." Tzuyu said and caressed my face. I still pretend to be asleep.

"She will, Tzu. Just don't pressure her if she's not ready yet." Momo said. Thank God for her.

"That I will never do, unnie. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable, especially me. I can wait." Tzuyu said and I moved ahead a little so that she could never see my face and a tear fell from my eye. I'm sorry, Tzu. I don't know if I will ever be ready. I said in my mind.

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