Chapter 32: Warpath on Mott Street (Spider-War Arc)

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As Y/n just stood there in their in the road, the ground shakes more as he sees The breaker of worlds rise out of the water. Y/n stares at the Hydra Goons, Decepticons and Hunters as he is ready to take the final steps.

Morlun [Comms]: What's going on over there?!

Red Skull: The Spider-Man has come back to stop you...He's at Mott Street.

Morlun [Comms]: How many times must I kill the same fucking insect?!...Kill him before he reaches the weapon. DO. NOT. FAIL. ME.

Red Skull: We won't...

As Skull got off the line with Morlun, as he prepared for Y/n's assault. The end was coming, but now...It's here.

Y/n: MORLUN!!!

Red Skull: Morlun isn't here boy! You're too late! The weapon is almost operational and your existence will be nothing but a mere memory...lost to the ages.

Y/n: So Morlun is busy, huh?!...That's a shame he couldn't come to the party...I guess I'll bring the party to him!

Y/n then pulls out a web bomb-ball and prepares to throw the object at the group.

Y/n: Get ready for a sticky situation!

Y/n throws the projectile, but the web bomb is soon disintegrated by an Ultron Minion. Y/n realizes that he is now in a sticky situation of his own.

Y/n: Oh...Oh...Well Shit......That went...horrible.........

Red Skull: Huh...?....Kill him.

The units then aimed their weapons at Y/n as multiple red dots were now on Y/n. Y/n then begins to dodge multiple bullets as he evades the suppressive fire.

Y/n: They should be reloading any second.

Y/n dodges the bullets

Y/n: Anyone's guns jamming?

Y/n dodges more bullets

Y/n: Okay...Okay...Timeout! Need to catch my breath...

Red Skull: Someone just kill him already!!

A decepticon steps forward and aims his rockets at Y/n. Y/n's spider senses begin tingling.

Y/n: Halftime is over!

Y/n dodges the laser and clings on near the decepticon.

Y/n: This one's for free, I promise!

The decepticon fires the rocket and Y/n dodges the rocket, and webs the rig on the decepticon's arm, jamming it. The decepticon begin punching the rig trying to unjam the weapon as many others panic around him.

Hydra Goon #1: Don't hit it!

Hunter #1: It's going to blow!

Hunter #2: Don't hit it!!


Soon various Hunters and Hydra Goons rush at Y/n. Y/n dodges and vaults over multiple Goons. Y/n then web pulls a hunter and kicks him down. Soon other spiders joined in on Y/n's skirmish. PS4 Spidey swing kicks a Hydra Goon and Miguel lands on a hunter. Noir swings in and fires his guns at the Ultron Minions and Symbiote Spidey rips another apart. Soon everyone else joins to help with the fight. As Y/n and PS4 Spidey were about to get swarmed, Miles divebombs in and unleashes a mega venom blast.

Miles (PS4): Alright Y/n, What next? *Blasts A Hunter*

Y/n: Get to Mott Street!

Naruto: What is step two?!

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