Chapter 33: Morlun Vs. Y/n (Spider-War Arc)

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Y/n stares at Morlun. He came face to face with his friends' killer.

Morlun: After all my years, I will finally finish what my family started.

Y/n: Finish?! Tch, I'm here to end what your family started.

Morlun: End?! Funny...Because in my eyes, this is just some interdimensional cleansing. The spider-verse will die, one way or another.

Y/n: So you think playing god will get rid of us?!

Morlun: If that's what needs to be done, then so be it.

Y/n: Then I will stop you.

Morlun and Y/n stared at each other. Y/n gets into a fighting stance and prepares for the fight that is going to commence. Morlun then pulls out his katana-like sword. The same sword that killed 2002 Spidey and 2099.

Morlun: You are out of wit, Y/n...


Morlun: Fine...That will be one more spider I get to kill.

Morlun then gets in a battle stance and charges his sword up with energy. Morlun lunges at Y/n and slashes the blade at Y/n, only for him to dodge the attack. Y/n fires web balls at Morlun, but Morlun slices the projectiles in half. Y/n goes for a webstrike and punches Morlun in the cheek. He goes for a kick, but Morlun grabs Y/n's leg and throws him into an arch. Morlun goes to stab Y/n, but he dodges the attack and Y/n gets on Morlun's back and jumps off of him and also pushes him into the pillar.

Y/n: This crusade of yours has no positive outcome!

Morlun: My crusade will restore my family's honor! Their reputation! All will be restored!

Morlun sends an astral slash at Y/n. Y/n dodges the attack and fires a web at Morlun's eyes, blinding him. Y/n then goes to web strike Morlun and begins to wail on him. Y/n lands a gut punch and a right hook followed by a left hook, only before he grabs Morlun's face and slams his face into the ground.

Y/n: The only thing you'll restore is terror!!! You're not an inheritor! You're a totem! The crusade means nothing!!!

Morlun: It will! LET ME SHOW YOU!!!!

Morlun then charges himself up with power and thrusts his sword forward towards Y/n. Y/n dodges the attack and fires two web trip mines on two walls. The trip mines then grab Morlun's sword and sticks it to the wall. Y/n punches Morlun's shoulder, forcing him to move away from the sword. Y/n dodges a punch and kicks Morlun, point blank.

Morlun: My Family was a proud tribe! We killed totems for centuries!!!

Morlun punches Y/n.

Y/n: You think massacre will help restore your family name!? You're delusional!

Morlun then uses his gauntlet to punch Y/n into an arch, causing him to stagger and fall. Morlun then walks to the key stone with the dagger. Morlun twists the blade in the key hole and the machine begins to accelerate.

Y/n: Oh no you don't!

Y/n then leaps to an arch and punches Morlun back and away from the machine key. Morlun then grabs his sword and begins to slash at Y/n. Y/n dodges the attacks and flips backwards. Y/n fires two weblines at Morlun and pulls him towards himself and kicks Morlun in the chin. Y/n grabs the sword and blocks Morlun's punch with the blade. Morlun then grabs the blade part of his sword to take it from Y/n. Y/n then jumps up and wraps his legs around Morlun's neck and swings to the other side of him only to gain some air time.

Y/n then webstrikes Morlun and kicks him in the face. Morlun is sent back into an arch, forcing him to drop the sword.

Y/n: Stop this now! You'll only hurt more people trying to kill me!!

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