Chapter 10: Evening The Odds (Spider-War Arc)

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(Moments Earlier...)

Meanwhile with teams Y and F, The two groups were in the Financial District. They had found another Militia platoon but this platoon was heading into the sewers. The Spiders watched as the soldiers descended down into the sewers.

Pavitr (ATSV): So this is where they are going?

Comic Miles: Looks like these guys think they're safe underground.

Spider-Man (TV 2017): Well...Not for long.

Ult. Spider-Man (TV 2012): You're right.

Hobie (ATSV): So...Who wants to crash their little parlor?

Miles (ATSV): Sounds like fun, I'm in...

The spiders swiftly enter the sewers and follow the soldiers by crawling on the ceiling of the sewers. They all entered a vent as a vault was ahead of them and they were crawling in the vents.

Miles (PS4): Morlun's Militia is really on the nose with their hideouts.

Miles (ATSV): And very horrible at keeping this base a secret. The whole point of a secret base is to keep it a secret.

Hobie (ATSV): Well, The cat's out of the bag.

They exit the vents and land on the railing. They see a

Hobie (ATSV): Miles, would you like to do the honors?

Miles (PS4): With Pleasure.

Miles then charges up with blue electricity and leaps into the and smashes the ground knocking back the Militia Soldiers.

Militia Soldier #1: It's Spider-Man!!

Hobie (ATSV): And he didn't come alone!!

(Play For Atmosphere)

Hobie slams his guitar into a soldier's head. And kicks another soldier across the face. The spider-men then are surrounded by multiple forces of the Militia.

Ult. Spider-Man (TV Series): They think they can win.

Hobie (ATSV): Let's make them think that.

The 8 spiders then split up and take down multiple Soldiers. All four of the Miles were charged with venom and started spamming their electrical attacks.

Ps4 Miles dashes at an attacking soldier and throws him a truck. Another soldier comes from behind Miles for attack, Only for Miles to block the attack with blue electricity and push the soldier back. He kicks the soldier in the face, and Comic Miles dropkicks the soldier into some boxes and swings off to help the TV spidermen.

With the TV Spidrmen, they were fighting the heavy units. Ultimate and 2017 flip over a tank soldier and pull him down on his back. The soldier gets back up and fires a fist-gauntlet and the two dodge the chained fist. Ultimate TV webs the fist into the ground and lands on the chain. He blitzes at the soldier while on the chain.

Ult. Spider-Man (TV 2012): Watch, He's gonna try hitting me!

The heavy unit swings his free fist at Ultimate TV, only for him to dodge the attack slingshot himself into the soldier's face. He rolls towards the ground and shoots two weblines at the legs of another soldier. He slides under his legs and TV 2017 kicks the soldier in the face staggering him, followed by Ultimate TV kicking the soldier in the back and sending him crashing into some crates.

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