Chapter 28: War for The Multiverse of Venoms (Spider-War Arc)

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(Later in the West)

Later with Venom, He was walking around the area waiting for his imposter to arrive, yet there was nobody around.

Venom (2018): This is stupid!

Eddie: What do you mean?!

Venom (2018): We get sent to the west side of things, while they get in on all the action!

Eddie: Look, If there's nothing here and there's no imposter, We dip. Okay?

Venom (2018): Deal!

Soom Venom began to go wild as it seemed like a loud sound must've exacerbated the symbiote. But there were no loud noises.

Venom (2018): The Hell was that!?!

Soon, some hexagonal portals are then opened as multiple versions of Venom begin to fall through.

One Venom had landed on the ground. He had the same physique as the former, but in features, he looked more demonic. He had small horns that came out of his forehead and his spine had spikes running down.

Another Venom variant was familiar. He was small and scrawny looking and was more compared to Spider-man.

The third Venom variant looked like something out of a PS1 game. He was blue and had more of a polygon like look.

Symbiote Spider-Man: Talk about joining the server

Agent Venom: No time for live service jokes, Parker.

Symbiote Spider-Man: Come on! That was a good one.

Venom (2018): Flash Is right! We don't have time for comedy!

Agent Venom: Thank You!

Venom (2018): Besides...This is serious...

??? #1: YOU!

Venom (2018): Us?

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Venom (2018): Us?

Symbiote Spider-Man: Him?

??? #1: You Destroyed Half of Konoha!!

Venom (2018): That wasn't Us!

Agent Venom: He's right! You got the wrong one.

??? #1: Oh, So all of a sudden Mysterio is behind this!! Mysterio is dead in my dimension!

Symbiote Spider-Man: I see why Spider-Shinobi got rid of the suit in the first place to begin with.

Venom (2018): Are you even listening to yourself?! Do you even have any memory of him?!

??? #2: Speak for yourself, imposter! I saw you in my dimension too!

??? #2: Speak for yourself, imposter! I saw you in my dimension too!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
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